Started my first batch... I think it's screwed

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Dec 29, 2010
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I started my first batch of wine on Tuesday. It's a Wine Art Pinot Noir Kit. I decided to go with using a Brew Belt because the temperature in my house is pretty cool (around 15 degrees C and below). I got up this morning and checked the wine and the temperature was about 28-29 C (about 82.4 F to 84) Is this batch done for? I unplugged the Brew Belt immediately of course.
You should probably be okay. When placing the brewbelt try to keep it toward the top of the carboy. The lower it is the warmer the wine will get.
What I've learned in the my vast experience (3 kits) is that the fermentation process will generate it's own heat while it is very active. You may need to use the belt initially to maintain the temp early, stop using the belt or adjust as ffmet suggested once the fermenting cycle ramps up and then down.

My "vast" experience is limited so take my advice with a grain of salt. I agree with ffmet that you wine is probably ok. I don't think the low 80's is temp that will kill most yeast.
Well I don't think the yeast is dead because it is fizzing like crazy. I was mostly worried about ruining the taste and microorganisms.

Don't sweat it. I started my first batch in the beginning of december. I picked my walk in closet because it has the most stable temp in the house at around 72 degrees. For 2-3 weeks in november, I monitored that room many many times a day.

I decided to move forward. Started my barolo. On the second or third day(I don't remember), I walk in the closet and realize the temp was up in the 80s. I freaked of course. I was waving the door back and forth trying to cool the closet.

I came running to forum asking the same type of question in panic. I got some reassurance and it all turned out fine. I have racked my barolo twice now and done some sampling. It came out fine. If you still have active fermentation, your yeast are fine. I also don't think that temp will throw a bunch of off flavors but I will let the experts weigh in on that. You will probably end up finishing faster than you expect. I know my barolo fermented dry about 2-3 days faster than the kit said in the directions. I have no proof but I assume it was due to that one night of high temps.
That is a little warm - but not too bad - ideally the temps should be around 75 degrees. I think you will be just fine. We have had folks on here that have done this and got the temp in the 90's and theirs turned out just fine.
That's a bit reassuring. I guess I'll have to wait and see how it goes.
What kind of yeast was it?

If its Lalvin EC-1118, that is rated to 86 deg, and you probably have a couple deg leeway as well.
I'm not sure what type of yeast it was. It was the one that came in the kit. I already threw out the packet.
I do most of my wine kits in the winter months where my basement is around 65 degress. I use a brew belt also, but what I do is I have it on a light timer. For around $10 at Home Depot. I can ajust it for every half hour for the 24 hour time period. After a few hours it turns itself off.
That is strange. I have 2 brewbelts and use them all the time. I put them on the lower half of the primarys and carboys and they never get the wine over 75 degrees. How many gallons are in your batches? Mine are generally at least 4 gallons. If your batches are smaller then that is why they are getting hotter. I am curious
I was thinking the same thing - a jump that high seems a lot for just the brew belt.
It may depend on how active the fermentation is. I'm fermenting a chocolate strawberry port right now. The fermenter was in a 68 deg room without a brew belt and the must kept itself at 80 to 82 degrees by itself. The fermentation is slowing down now and the tempiture is coming down with it.