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Oct 16, 2009
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I'm sure this has been covered, so I apologize. A search did not help.

This is my first mead, Joe's Ancient Orange, 1 gallon jug. started it Sunday, looked at it a day. Bubbling nicely. But the bottom of the jug, probably 3-4 inches is dark indicating the honey has settled. The upper is still golden. I shook the dickens out of it Sunday before adding yeast. the recipe says not to shake it anymore.

So do I shake it, stir it, or leave it alone?
Sometimes it takes a lot to get the honey properly mixed. I haven't made JAO, so I can't tell you from experience on that part. However I do made a few meads a year and typically I'll add about a gallon of warm water and use a very clean hand held mixer and beat the mixture until its well incorporated, then add the rest of the water while continuing to mix the must.
Good luck with the JAO and I really don't think it would hurt to mix it up a little more, just be careful because the yeast may already be working and a lot of gas may need to be released.
You know, that was yesterday. I got home tonight and there is such a strong fermentation going on. It's all mixed up now and jusr full of tiny bubbles. I think someone once said something like "patience."
Might have been me
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