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Oct 6, 2006
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Do you know of any off the shelf sanitizers. I have all the supplies I nees right now except I have run out of one item, my bottle of sanitizer. The name is gone but contained: 50% Phosphoric acid, and 15% real long word another acid.

What is another good sanitizer.

Sodium or Potassium meta-bisulfite. We use the Pot-meta for sanitizing and in making wines and use the Sodium-meta for sterilizing only as we dont need any sodium in our wines. The sodium is cheaper but I dont use it since I dont want a bazillion chemicals on my shelf.
3 tablespoons per gal of cool water will make a 1.25% sulfite solution for sanitizing.

Do you clean your plastic primary with a chlorine based product? I learned in homebrewing that since plastic absorbs "stuff" and permeable that it's better not to use chlorine based cleaners on it. However, that's why I use glass in homebrewing for primary fermentation.

I usually just clean my primary out with water really good after using it and then use some Kmeta sanitization solution on it so it can be stored without bugs. Then I'll santitize it again when I go to start a new kit. I just got worried that maybe I'm missing the boat on this one...
K-meta will take any residual chlorine left on anything, and turn it into a salt. That's the nice thing about using it with a C-Brite, Diversol, Sani-brew, or any other "pink" cleanser. At least in the wine world that works.In the beer world, there is no k-meta because it is not strong enough with the PH values of beer. With wine, you can relax a bit, and use chlorine, plastic, and k-meta and not have issues. Just keep any chlorine based stuff away from corks. That causes TCA, otherwise known as cork taint.
We rinse our primary well then gently wash it with B-Brite, an oxygen based cleaner. Rinse well with cold water and you're ready to sanitize.
Thanks for the tips...I'll try the chlorine or oxygen based cleaner and then use the k-meta to sanitize. In homebrewing, I use bleach to clean my carboys and then rinse with H20, then sanitize with iodopher prior to using it for a batch of beer.