Sanitation - where and when?

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Junior Member
Aug 30, 2014
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I'm trying to understand where in the process is cleanliness and even sanitation important. I'm surprised actually that the grapes and spiders all get run thru the destemming machine and end up in the fermentation container.

Where is cleanliness important, and how important?

Thanks in advance
Wine is an uncooked food. How clean is your kitchen? It's just about the same.
FWIW, my kitchen is very clean. Still wondering where in the process sterility is critical to the outcome.
Nowhere in the process is sterility critical. We clean and sanitize, but not sterilize. Cleanliness is important at all steps.

Here is what I do. Wash with a cleaner, I use oxyclean (no bleach added), there are plenty of good cleaners, one step, straight a, easy clean. That gets any dirt and grime off. Next a spritze with meta bisulfite solution. I use 3 tbsp/gallon of water to make mine and store it in an airtight bottle. This sanitize things. I don't get crazy about it, but every time anything is going on the must, it gets a squirt. Haven't had any problems in 4 years.
FWIW, my kitchen is very clean. Still wondering where in the process sterility is critical to the outcome.

Then you are halfway there. Clean well, sanitize with a spray bottle of k meta solution and you're good to go. Oh, and there is very little that's "critical" in winemaking.
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