Sangria 5 gallon kit wine

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Jun 30, 2020
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Help! I sanitized everything and prepared my wine as the directions stated. I left my wine for2 days after I sprinkled the yeast on top [which I had forgotten to activate first] and now has mold spots/ flowers. How can I salvage it? I don't think it even started fermenting!


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Help! I sanitized everything and prepared my wine as the directions stated. I left my wine for2 days after I sprinkled the yeast on top [which I had forgotten to activate first] and now has mold spots/ flowers. How can I salvage it? I don't think it even started fermenting!

So it's mold, not clusters of yeast, right?I've never seen anything like that. There had to be some wild mold spores floating around, maybe? Anyway, I personally don't know how you could save it. I guess I would assume it's a loss but maybe someone with more experience will weigh in.
It is not lost until you pour it down the drain. In the meantime, get that mold off the wine ASAP. I would use a paper towel lined strainer to scoop it out. First, sanitize the strainer if you use one.

Please give us some additional information.
  • The kit variety and the manufacturer.
  • The initial and current specific gravity.
  • The yeast used.
  • If you have it, any date code from the kit.
My initial impression is that the juice is oxidized and may not be salvageable. But don't give up just yet. There are a lot of people here who can help.
Help! I sanitized everything and prepared my wine as the directions stated. I left my wine for2 days after I sprinkled the yeast on top [which I had forgotten to activate first] and now has mold spots/ flowers. How can I salvage it? I don't think it even started fermenting!

Also, what is the temperature of the wine and what it the ambient temperature in the area where the wine is located?
Or at least the expiry date on the yeast package if you don’t have one from the kit.
What did you use to sanitize? Sodium metabisulphite can last a long time after preparation, but some other sterilants might only last a few hours, maybe a day.
And to clarify: you prepared the must, then sprinkled the yeast on top immediately, without stirring. (That’s how I always do it.) The mold came 2 days after that, right?
And to give you some peace of mind, I have read that nothing toxic can survive the high acidity and alcohol content of wine. So the worst that can happen, I believe, is you’ll have something that smells or tastes bad, but won’t make you sick.