Rotten Egg Smell in Sangiovese

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May 22, 2012
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I have 6 gallons of Sangiovese that has the dreaded rotten egg smell - brutal. I used Lalvin RC212 and added 3 tsp of yeast nutrient after lag phase and then another 3 tsp. of yeast nutrient about 50% through fermentation. I added oak chips and splash racked today. Any chance of saving or suggestions? DAP?
What was the SG when you racked??

You might have racked to soon.

You can try and give it some good stirs...
Take out a small amount then clean a couple pennies and drop them in the stuff you have taken out. make sure they are older real pennies not the newer coated ones. Swirl the wine around for a bit take out the pennies then cover and let sit over night. Smell the wine in the morning if you have not got a bad case of H2S then this should take away the aroma. If it does get a new piece of copper pipe clean it inside and out very well sanitize it and stir the wine good and hard. You can also use copper sulfite but I have never done this and your measurements need to be precise to use this.
Try racking it and splashing it around to "blow off" the odor. If that doesn't work or if any smell is left, add a low dose of reduless, wait 72 hours and rack off of the lees. I've been through this twice now and that's the only thing that has helped. If it comes back try splashing it again. The important thing is to get it off of the lees it is currently on.
Joea132 thanks. I splash racked today and got it off the lees. I ordered Reduless this afternoon. Thanks everyone.