Rookie mistake - didn't stir prior to adding yeast

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Senior Member
Jan 5, 2014
Reaction score
After months of reading forums like this one, I finally bought my starter kit today with a WE Reserve Sauvignon blanc kit.
I just sent the kit to primary fermentation except that right after I added the yeast I realized that I never "stirred vigorously for 30 sec" per the instructions...
Starting from the beginning:
I added water and bentonite, stirred well to prevent clumps.
I added the juice, water into the pouch to get the rest of the juice and poured into the bucket.
I topped with water.
* forgot to stir *
I took a measurement with the hydrometer: between 1.088 and 1.090 so in the range per the instructions therefore I didn't get any red flags that I forgot to stir...
Added the yeast and put the lid with air lock... and then realized that I didn't stir before the yeast...

Any advice? should I leave as-is or open the lid and vigorously stir?

Thank you...
Don't sweat it BF, If you're getting that SG reading, things are well mixed. I've stopped stirring so that I don't have to clean the spoon afterwards. I add my bentonite to hot water in a dutch oven on the stove then pour into the primary. You'll find over time that kits are hard to kill. Whites seem to be especially forgiving. Have fun and welcome to the forum.

thanks for the link. After reading these tips this morning, I stirred vigorously the bucket before getting ready. Due to blizzard conditions in Buffalo, I worked from home and checked on the bucket once in a while. Since I stirred, the airlock bubbles went from once per 10/20 second to once per second for the past 8 hours...