WineXpert Riesling questions

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Apr 25, 2009
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I have a batch of VR Riesling in secondary and should be about ready to stablize and clear. SG yesterday was .992 and I'll be checking it again tonight. I was wondering if anyone had similar SG readings when fermentation stopped.

I plan to bulk age this for close to 3 months prior to bottling, I'd like to leave 1/2 of the wine dry and the other 1/2 sweetened to a semi-dry level. Would it be best to split this batch into 2 seperate 3 gallon batches (i'd have to go buy smaller carboys or better bottles) and sweeten after clearing to age with the sugar, or should I add the sugar 1/2 way through my bottling process.

Any input on sweetening methods or your experience with amounts of sugar would be appreciated. I did some quick searches on the forum but didn't find a whole lot. I'll be doing plenty of google searches before the time comes to do it.

Its fine. Rack and add finnings (k-meta & sorbate) age it for as long as you want add 1/4tsp k-meta every 90 days. When ready to bottle take what you want dry bottle it. The rest just add simple syrup to your taste and bottle.
Well, the yeasties must have still been doing their thing. Tonight it's at .990 so I'll hold off another night and check it tomorrow while I'm watching football.

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