Reduless and MLF?

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No longer a newbie, but still clueless.
Mar 18, 2012
Reaction score
DC Suburbs
I racked my petite syrah to secondary last week and had some H2S. At that time, I innoculated with MLB. I've since ordered some reduless, but am concerned about adding it while MLF is going on. Any thoughts on this? I could simply rack again and see what that does, I guess.
Deal with the h2s first , try splash racking , if that doesn't cure it try the reduless , then rack after 3 days .

If the mlf doesn't restart after that ( it most likely will restart) , reinoculate with fresh MLB.
Reduless is just a mixture of inactivated yeast, bentonite and copper. I don't think it should have any affect on the MLB. If it is stinky you should be fine treating it with reduless.
I used it last year on a batch of Syrah that had a reoccuring problem with H2S. Didn't seem to cause any issues with MLF.

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