Recipe Request

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Jul 26, 2006
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Hello Everybody

Does anybody have a recipe for an Apple, Melon and vanilla wine?
Hey Axl! Good to see you here!

Can't say I've had experience with that particular wine,but there are a couple of things I would do:
Decide which flavor you want to come through the most.Melon could get overpowered easily, I would think.
Are you using fresh apples, or juice?
I would add the vanilla in the secondary, and check often until you get the amount of vanilla flavor you want.
Sounds like an awesome trio of flavors!
Welcome axl,

Not sure how experienced you are with wine making, but melon wine is not easy to make, at least from my experience. My first watermelon wine was a bust. Spoiled before the fermention was complete. The combo sounds very good though. I would substitute something in place of the melon if I were making it.
Northern Winos said:
Hi Ms. Spain...glad to see you again.
How's your Dad doing???
Hey Northern Winos! My Dad is doing well.He went through 6 weeks of radiation. So far,so good!
Great to see you back on the board.I read your post about what you have been going through.You hang tough!!
There's lots of prayers going up for you!!
Hey Everybody,

Good to be here, i could'nt find anywhere to introduce myself so i figured stuff it, i'll get straight to it.

I've come from the other side of the pond and bring 1 years experience with me, so far i have 14 gallons of country wine maturing in bulk, a grapefruit, an orange mead in secondaryand a rumtop on the go.

Anyway's back to the recipe request, i intend to use fruit rather than juice with a hint vanilla, your right the trio of flavours do sound awesome, hence me asking around for ideas for a recipe. If anybody can help i'd be very gratefull as i'm looking forward to an ice cold glass of this, this time next year.

Kind Regards

Edited by: Axl!
Thanks appleman,

Seems i've got me work cut out with this one, but being the stubborn bugger i am i'll experiment a little and see what happens.

Great link, for certain it'll play a part in how ever i decide to go with this wine. As for the forum looks great, for certain i'm gonna gain alot of valuable experience from you guys.

Regards Axl
okay, got into this post a bit late, but this is what I would suggest (I don't know if it would work):

I'd make an apple wine with somewhat less sugar, and at the point where it's most frothy in fermentation, I'd raise the surrounding temperature and add 1 cup of melon juice (let's say canteloupe) at a time with a cup of sugar. Keep good track of how much you use, but I would say for a 1 gallon batch, 2 pounds of sugar total. Then, when it's really going along, do it again with the melons and the sugar.

My reasoning is this: you want vigorous and fast fermentation because melon seems to spoil on everyone. So, if you reintroduce sugar as well as the melon, AND your keeping your temperature higher (for a faster fermentation),you might be lucky. Personally, I'd do melon juice instead of fruit, so you don't have to worry about the pulp when you add it.

Make sure your SG is at least 1.080 or so, so if it does finish quickly, it won't spoil because of too low alcohol content.

Just my thoughts - I never did something like that before, but it might be worth a try.
Thanks for your input MedPretzel, sounds like a good plan.

For me anything is worth a try, if i get a good quality wine as the end result.
