Racking my 1st wine

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Sep 25, 2009
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This may sound wierd but just racked my first wine into the carboy. Hydrometer readings were excellent, occured in 5 days, but the smell was something more of a sickly sweet smell - not appealing. Is this normal? Also at about day 3, the basement had a similiar sweet smell but when looking in the bucket - foam, fizzing, working away.

I tried a Winexpert Chianti for the first try, hydrometer reading at 1.002 today when I transferred to carboy.

normal...keep following directions :)

the sweet is the remaining sugar...the sickly is the yeast doing its thing and dying off
Whew (wipes forehead). I was hoping someone would tell me that. Everything so far has been textbook and I'm sure after 1000(s) of Winexpert kits I would not be the first to have something wierd. Even built a chamber to keep the fermenters at 72F.. worked nice with a modified thermostat and a heater. Yes, my basement stays at 65F.

Wonder if that explains why guests staying in the basement mumble somehting about a meat locker?

Anyway - thanks for reassurance
with each kit or grape experience you will knock out all the mysteries

and when the guests start lingering in the basement when you are not around you will have your proof that the wine has been ready for some time :)
one more question.. for tonight. Am I suppose to remove the dust cap from the top of the airlock? I have the 2 piece type and have filled 1/2 way with sanitizer but it's bubbling, alot.
The cap stays on. This is your first kit of many more to come. I started just 13 months ago and I am working on my 23rd kit. Also built a wine storage room withing four months after starting my first kit.
Good luck!
articwater said:
one more question.. for tonight. Am I suppose to remove the dust cap from the top of the airlock? I have the 2 piece type and have filled 1/2 way with sanitizer but it's bubbling, alot.

If it bubbles out then you know you put too much water. Leave the cap on it keeps crawlies from getting into the water.

Welcome aboard. Enjoy this obsession.........