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Feb 28, 2013
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I fermented my wine in the large bucket until the bubbles in the air lock stopped (about 8 days days). I just siphoned into the Carboy two days ago and no bubbles in air lock... Is this normal?
Sounds like you had a pretty quick fermentation. It's a good policy to go by your hydrometer and not the airlock activity to know when it is really done though. Bubbles are deceptive and sneaky little buggers!
Hi chuck416, welcome to the forum!!!

I think you meant .998 on your SG, that is pretty much dry. It can go lower depending on the wine and the yeast, but generally below 1.000 it is considered pretty much done when the SG holds the same for 3 days.
oldwhiskers said:
Hi chuck416, welcome to the forum!!!

I think you meant .998 on your SG, that is pretty much dry. It can go lower depending on the wine and the yeast, but generally below 1.000 it is considered pretty much done when the SG holds the same for 3 days.

Yes, that was a typo. Now just wait until wine clears? About a month before bottling?
chuck416 said:
Yes, that was a typo. Now just wait until wine clears? About a month before bottling?

Unless you uses fining agents, could take a couple of months to clear. Rack in four weeks and let it sit. If no more sediments drop out, you'll be ready.
It varies on the clearing time due to temperature, tannin levels and the type of wine. When you you are sure that fermentation is finished and it is degassed good, it will generally start dropping clear. Shine a flashlight through the wine and if you see the light beam, it is generally not clear yet.
First batch ever so itching to bottle sooner than later....however taste is important.
Just to weight in..

You should rack when the wine needs it. Wait until you have a clearly defined layer of sediment and the wine is rather clear. IMHO, it is a good thing to get that first racking (AKA "Remove the gross lees") done sooner rather than later.

Tasting can happen anytime, just do not make the mistake of not topping the carboy off. Keep it full and top off with wine.

Ok, I will top off. My local home brew store recommended not tapping off carboy.

He may have been correct. When you are actively fermenting, topping off may not be such a hot idea (see thread on volcano).

However, once fermentation is complet (as is the case with you), you should have the carboy topped off to stave off oxydation (and other nasties).
Actually, at .998 the wine is already dry, so you didn't really transfer to secondary, as secondary was already finished. Secondary is supposed to start at some point above 1.000; somewhere between, say, 1.020 and 1.040, depending on what your instructions say.

Since fermentation is finished, I would top off the wine now.

So, fermentation is finished and it is time to stabilize with what stabilizers your instructions call for and then to start clearing.
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Exactly. If you have bentonite in there now all you need to do is stabilize the wine and degas. Once the bubbles stop lifting the bentonite back to the top it will begin falling to the bottom, clearing your wine. You should have clearish drinkable wine in 2 weeks. Unless your vacuum degassing which speeds things up a bit.