Question about primary fermentation

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In the carboy you won't need it to put off much CO2 to keep it protected from O2. Likely that the transfer to the carboy will stir up the yeast enough to ferment out the last remaining sugar. If your primary ferment was quick I suggest to check the SG tomorrow then let it sit for 3 days and check again. If the reading is the same you can go ahead and stabilize and add the clearing agent even if it is a couple days before the instructions. Letting it sit the full number of days in the secondary will not hurt anything. Only problem is that it is all you will think about! waiting is terrible I know but try not to rush. It will be fine if you leave it alone.
(love this little guy ---->) :wy keep the airlock on!
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I would expect a VR kit to drop to .992. Don't be in a hurry to assume that fermentation is finished at .996 because the instructions say 'below .99x'.

Second point, I do not think that the first couple of weeks of a wine kits life are just about converting sugars to alcohols. Let the wine do it's thing.

hobbyiswine is correct. Leave the airlock on, don't be checking it every day.

Thanks for the great responses. y'all have made me feel better about the situation.