Pumpkin Cider

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Jun 10, 2014
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Not sure if it's ok to post my Cider project as it's not wine I guess but any who;

Got bit by all the pumpkin stuff out now. Going to try for a Pumpkin Cider.

Into primary:
3 gal 100% Cider
1 15oz can organic pumpkin
1 16oz can organic apple butter
1 lb dextrose
1 1/2 tsp pectic
1 1/2 tsp yeast nutrient
1 1/2 tsp yeast energizer
SG 1.068

Letting it sit and will pitch in AM with Montrachet.

I'll be adding 1 16oz can organic pumpkin butter to secondary after it ferments dry.

Let me know what y'all think.

That sounds really interesting. Did you add any k meta/campden to start?

Also, seems like the final pumpkin butter will make it all cloudy again after clearing/sorbating the first time. Wonder how long that'll take to settle out.

Anyhow it sounds really tasty. Look forward to hearing how it turns out.

First time yes. I've made Ed Worts Apfelwein and kinda just went from that spure of moment. No K Meta. Pitched it about an hour ago. I'll carb this up for sure. I'm really excited about it. I do expect it to get cloudy again when adding the pumpkin butter but read a few things about yeast eating spices and making off flavors. I put the apple butter and pumpkin in a mesh bag but atleast all the butter oozed through. A lot of pumpkin too. May not be needed next time.

Forgot how sulfur stank this was last time. Added in another 3 tsp yeast nute and seems to have disappeared already.
Down to 1.000 this AM. Is it ok to taste during fermentation? Never have. Wouldn't want to on this one. Montrachet is a stinker. It's smelling pretty good now. I kept to a pretty high nute schedule and managed to not have the wife notice it anywhere in the house.
I know what you mean on the HS2. PEW!! Seems like whenever I make a fruit wine I always get some HS2. Glad you got a handle on it.

I always taste during primary. I wouldn't go chug-a-luggin' or anything :) But I do take a few ml and just see what it tastes and smells like.

Be curious to see how this one turns out.

Also, I was curious about the addition of the pumpkin butter. You are going to sorbate it to stablize first right? I assume you are just trying to get some sweet and pumpkin flavor back in it right?
Ok I went and did a taste. It's still at 1.000 and tasted bitter not bad though. Normal? Smells great not really any pumpkin but a nice apple. I'll rack it and sorbate it before I add the pumpkin butter. The pumpkin butter has some spices in it too it smells and taste like a pumpkin pie. I think clove cinnamon a few others I'll post up in AM.

Well shoot. Just realized I can't sorbate it before adding the pumpkin butter if I want to bottle carb . Don't have a way to force carb it I don't think. Hmm input? How can I back sweeten and still bottle carb with out a major renewed ferm that would increase abv? If I just add it , can I measure the new SG and find out what the new final abv is? Sorry for all the newbie questions. I want this carbonated lol!
wish I could help on that one. Seems like carbonating with yeast is a PITA. Add in the fact that the pumpkin butter is an unknown quantity insofar as bottle carbonating. I agree with you that this drink would likely taste great carbonated but that may be a tall order without a co2 system.
I'm thinking it may be time for a corny keg system. Have access to a soda stream. May have to experiment with it with a bottle of Apfelwien to see if it's useable.
Was still sitting at 1.000 today. Racked and stabilized this morning. Opened a bottle of Apfelwien and dissolved the jar of pumpkin butter in it and poured straight into secondary. It was only a 10oz jar not 16 like I thought. I'm going to grab another jar and do the same and add it this afternoon.
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Got airlock activity.

After adding the second jar of pumpkin butter yesterday SG was up to 1.011. This morning airlock was bubbling about every 13 seconds. SG was now 1.012. I figured it would go up as I could see some undisolved sugars in my cider. Since my SG has gone up if anything could it just need to be de gassed more? I splash racked to carboy before adding the pumpkin butter. Guess it can't hurt to do a bit more de gassing.
Splash racked a few times and seems to have done the trick. This stuff tastes awesome! Perfect pumpkin pie on the back end nice subtle apple front that I know will come out more over a couple months. My Apfelwein tasted like water but after a few months that apple was poppin.


You could always back sweeten with Xylitol its a sweeter that wont cause fermentation . Then add your 3/4 cup of corn sugar per 5 gal to bottle carb your cider. I used Xylitol on a 12gal batch of cider last fall and it turned out great.