Pruning Shears

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Senior Member
Aug 15, 2007
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Can someone suggest a good general purpose pruning shear for grape vines?I have been looking at suppliers online, there are three or four different brands and each one has a dozen choices.
What is working for you?
farmer, the shears you want to use are a good quality, sharp set of bypass pruners. I use Felco because they are very high quality and have replaceable parts. I use a #2 and a #8 model. They also make left-handed if that is needed. The #8 has ergonomically shaped handles so is more comfortable. You can purchase from a number of places usually cheaper than at garden center, but you can sometimes get a feel for the different models available by visiting them. Orchard Valley Supply carries them and is very reasonable. You can also use The Felco Store(online). Don't buy from Amazon in this case- they cost quite a bit more for the same model. The last Felco #8 I bought was under $45 with shipping included from The Felco Store.
Thanks appleman, I am going tocheck outMDT and Associates . They are a vineyard and nursery supply company in Minneapolis they carry a complete line of Felco products. I have their catalog and the prices areabout the same as Orchard Valley and Felco store.
Another question, What do you recommend forvine ties?
I don't really have a big preference for any particular tie. Whatever works well for you and has some strech to it works well. I mainly have a Max-Tapener tier, but that is because I already had it for apples. It uses rolls of stretchy tape and staples and cuts it with a simple squeeze like a stapler.
Vine ties?
For a number of years I've cut up my wife's used stockings and pantyhose into strips. They stretch nicely, don't cut into stems if cut wide enough and are some tough. For me, it is a ready material free for the taking.
LOL bill. My wife is a farm girl at heart and might wear pantyhose or stockings once ever 2 years if lucky! I have used t-shirts in a pinch before. They seem to have just a bit of stretch and disintegrate after about 6-9 months.

Commercially these work well also

We used these at the vineyard last year and they are simple to use.
My wife is about the same if I had to wait for pantyhoseI'd be in tough shape. I think I will give those tab-bands a try.