Planted Veggies Today

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Senior Member
Jul 4, 2004
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We have finally turned the corner here is the Northeast with the weather and today was planting day for the early crops!


Romain Lettuce and Broccoli Plants...two double rows of peas planted on end


Italian flat leaf Parsley in frontof the house.
We are planting tomatoes down here. The blackberries are blooming and we have tiny peaches on the trees. Good looking little garden.

looks good masta. if you are like me , its hard to wait for everything to get ready but it's always worth the wait, so much better than market foods... i also have romain, red oak, and simpson lettuces growing, radishes too.School plant sale this weekend. Will have everything I need to finish planting then.
Oh! Also have 16 super chile, 10 german paprika plants started from seed earlier this spring.

Country, got plums the size of BB's but no peaches yet!

Stinkie, it'll behot before you know it!

thanks CW. we like it here.the "skeeters" are out already and in force! theytried to tote me off yesterday while I wasin the garden.

You guys are so lucky! I'm going to have to wait til May to plant my stuff, and I hope I'm not too late when I do that.
I've been out of town for a few weeks already, and am missing all the fun stuff that spring brings with it.

This year it's gonna be a beet, sage and maybe lettuce year.
How does everyone planttheir gardens? Is it just according to the weather change or do you follow the calendar and moon like us?

Certain trees that produce seed and flowers tell us of the seasons and times to plant. Certain other blossoms tell us when to harvest and fish. And when the moon changes and shifts in relation to evening times indicate when at night we should plant.Edited by: Maui Joe
I usually just plant according to the calendar and when time permits. After the long winter we had this year, itwas a bit early for spring crops but I asked my buddy to get me some plants and he takes care of the local guy like me!
I plant cool season crops usually when weather permits, usually mid- March.... warm season crops usually around Mother's day.

We usually don't plant until Memorial Day weekend. It's just too cold up here! We're supposed to be well below freezing this coming week. Brrrrr.....
It is 60*F here with a brisk NW wind. We are all about to freeze to death.

How cold does it normally get down to? I guess it feels colder with the North wind other than just the outside temp?

I remember being in Korea when I was in the Air Force. It got down to -20 but when the cold wind blew with the pounding snow, I wanted to die and get shipped home....
I also was in the USAF. TACP. If you don't need to know what that is, don't ask.

In the winter it might on occasion but not every year get down to 10*F. It hardly ever snows much here. I remember in the late 80's it snowed 19 inches and freaked wveryone out bad. 4 inches is a good snowfall. Some winters it might get down to 5*F. I think the record for this area is maybe -5*F. We have very hot, humid summers. 115*F is not uncommon. It can get very dry also in july, august, and september. March is typically our wettest month, sometimes 6+ inches of rain. November can be very wet also. We have alot of tornadoes in the spring and summer, but our deadliest have occured in January. This past winter was particularly mild. Last summer was particularly mild and wet. I doubt we get that lucky this year. Most times we have only 2 seasons, winter and hot. OK, the rant is over. You asked.
