Pinot Noir tips and help?

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Jul 6, 2011
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I have made a few wine kit before but am still pretty new. My wife
purchased a William’s California pinot noir wine concentrate for me as a
gift thinking it was a kit. I was kinda excited because I have wanted to
attempt to pick and choose all the additions for myself instead of
depending on a kit. Online it says the 192 ounces of concentrate is at 68
brix and makes 5 gallons. Sulfates were added already so it says it
requires none before fermentation. It also says its acid balanced. So I
guess I am fishing for any tips, tricks, help or recipe improvements
anyone can offer.

Here is where I am now.

I combined concentrate and water to a volume of five gallons, let it
equilibrate temp to about 73 (room temp. Of course all sanitation was
done at all steps I am paranoid of blowing a batch because of not being
sanitized. I added lalvin EC-1118. I sprinkle it on top because I have
had the best results that way. I did not use any yeast nutrient or
starter. It is day two and initial fermentation started earlier then I
expected (perhaps it because of a better yeast.

I have a bag of oak chips that I have not put in yet I was thinking of
using them when I bulk age in the carboy but open to suggestions.

I also have some Super-Kleer K.C. for clarifying later.

So what do you suggest and please don’t spare the details or criticism.
Sounds interesting. I have never made anything from that concentrate. Just use good sanitation and wine making practices and it should turn out.

Even though kmeta was already added, it will still need more after fermentation is done (unless you are doing an organic and not adding sulfites... if so, hope you know what you are doing!).

Keep us informed as to how it goes.

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