Pear wine

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Junior Member
Oct 7, 2014
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Yet another newbie Q, but before I found this forum I had found a recipe for pear , it more of an old school recipe using pear, water and bread yeast. Its been going for about 6 weeks and for the last 4 days its been sitting at 1.02 SG I started in the desert wine area on my hydrometer, I failed to write down exactly what but something around 1.1 or 1.2SG. its very clear but smells and tastes alot like achohol. Is this batch possible done?
It's probably done or very close to it. Especially if it was bread yeast and there were no yeast nutrients added to the must. I've made 3 batches of pear this year and the flavor has always been light. Did you use start the batch in a carboy or bucket? A batch started with a bucket and a mesh fruit bag will give more flavor than juice alone in a carboy.

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I started it in a bucket, and the fruit was in the bucket no mesh bag
is it normal to have a strong alcohol smell/test with pear wine?
Sorry it in the desert range it was 1.11 to 1.12 to start life now its at 1.02
I'm finding with both pear and apple that they are very light on flavor. So the higher the initial SG the less flavor it will have. I've started the last batch of pear and apple at 1.050 and I'm beginning to think that is too high.

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BTW...if your initial SG was 1.11 and ending was 1.02 then you ended up with 11.8% ABV which is not abnormally high.

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