Peach wine Haze

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Junior Member
Nov 12, 2013
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I have had a peach wine (all fruit) bulk aging for about 18 months now and want to bottle soon but it still has a haze to it.

Fermentation to dry went off without a hitch.

I used lallyzme Cmax for enzyme , should i add some more enzyme to try to clear it up?

If so how much per gal?

Sorry should have put this in the country fruit wine section.
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I've got two 6 gallon batches of Peach wine under my belt and in both cases I had to deal with the haze by adding a second dose (same amount as the recipe called for in the primary) of Pectin Enzyme. Neither came out polished looking but both cleared up noticeably with the addition of the second hit of enzyme.

Doesn't look too bad when bottled or in the glass as when it is in the carboy.

Oh, with the second batch I also used clearing agent for a second time.
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if pectic enzyme does not work try betonite then follow with Super Klear two part fining agent. the haze is most likely one of protein. in future add betonite in primary with peaches. the protein will be dropped out by the betonite action.