Over Racking, Better Bottles & Further neurosis

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Senior Member
Feb 28, 2013
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I have been debating getting another carboy, which is well documented in this forum. I think about it every moment that is not occupied with kids, wife, work or operating heavy machinery.
At the present time I can only make 2 big batches and keep the spare empty. My 5 single gallons are used for the numerous small batches!

For Glass it would be $49 for 6 gallon, $48 for 5 gallon and $36 for 3 gallon
which is pricey!
However the other LHBS has Better Bottles for $31 for 6gallon, $27 for 5, $25 for 3 gallon.

While the difference between 5’s is only $21 that does start to add up. ( incase anyone asks shipping for most wine supply companies is usually around $30 to where I am)

Knowing I cannot vacuum pump with the BB, I thought what if I just use the pump to start suction and then put the BB below the carboy allowing Gravity to do the rest. Seems like it would work and not crush the BB in the process.

Then I can leave what ever wine in the BB, while I clean the carboy.
Once the Carboy is dry I can rack back to the Carboy and use the vacuum pump to degas.

Which leads to my other question, does racking back and forth too often cause issues with the wine?
Does it add too much oxygen or is it beneficial in

My usual process is to rack and then degass with the AIO.
I figure any O2 that is added during the racking/splash racking is sucked out during degassing.

So has any tried this method with the AIO and BB?
Does it work?

Am I a ranting lunatic that needs to just relax and focus on something other than wine?
i have elmer...and if you were here i would give you my bb...
i dont like.....the heck with cost, and if i could replace all my ribbed glass with smooth edge ones, i would do that...
Get an autosiphon to use with the better bottles and not a vacum pump, easier to use and wont collapse the bottle. If you are just degassing before bottling keep one big glass carboy empty to use as your degass carboy and age everything else in BB. Carboys are a durable good lasting for years so the cost of any one carboy isnt that much if you keep in perspective what goes in it and out over and over. You need to stop thinking about it so much and buy some more carboys before you squash something with your heavy equipment worrying over whether to get one or not, then you will have to pay to get whatever your sqaushed fixed and that would have paid for a shedload of carboys! Plus make sure to make your wifes favorite wine in your new carboy you got for her and its magical how easy it is to bring in new ones. WVMJ
If you have one of the orange carboy caps, put your racking cane in the middle hole of the cap, snap it on the carboy, attach your siphon hose to the racking cane. Put the receiving carboy down low, donating carboy higher, blow into the other hole on the carboy cap. The siphon is started. You can use the vac. pump to rack back off the floor from a BB to a glass carboy on the bench. Good luck with it, Arne.
If you have any desire to get a vacuum pump eventually, then DO NOT get the BB.

Knowing I cannot vacuum pump with the BB, I thought what if I just use the pump to start suction and then put the BB below the carboy allowing Gravity to do the rest. Seems like it would work and not crush the BB in the process.

My original kit came with a BB. For kicks, I tried it, and it did work. The BB crumpled sucking in the wine. Once the siphon started, I cut off the vacuum. I did not want to damage the BB any further. I doubt it will take the continued crumpling.

For repeated use, you will probably have to start the suction using the bottle (not carboy) filler on a wine bottle, and then drop the stopper/tubing into the carboy for gravity to take care of the rest. But ...

AIO reduces O2 by removing the air from the receiving carboy. Your idea removes that one benefit. And ...

AIO can degass by keeping the wine under vacuum. By keeping the receiving carboy under vacuum, as the wine is splashed into the receiving carboy, the vacuum helps draw out the CO2. The instructions say: Rack 4 times for degassing.

Keep a daily watch on Criagslist for people selling used glass carboys. You can probably pick up a 6 gallon one for around $30 or less (I picked up two French(?) ones that way). My Local shop has them new for $40, but they did not know where they came from. On a trip to Chicago, I stopped at a store that had Italians for $40.

BTW: While you are keeping an eye on CL, also keep an eye out for a Schuo pump. If you can find one for $50, then you can buy the tubing from AIO, and save a few bucks.
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Thanks for all info an feedback.

I checked craigslist this morning and someone has a carboy, 6 gallon for sale (unused) for $30, no Haggling! I contacted the seller and will see how it goes.

I use the AIO and that is all I use now a days. i still have 1 tall and 1 short auto siphon, but the AIO had made the siphons useless!

I guess I am just getting antzy! I have a super tuscan & pinot aging and nothing fermenting. I also have no room since i have no other carboy available.
And the cold dark winter month is getting to me (and it is only december). I need to be active, I need to ferment. I need to stock pile wine.
But I guess I know it is bad when $50 is a bit out of my range and I am squabbling over the difference of $19.
I tend to use wine making as an escape from life and it is funny when it end up consuming your life instead!
Friend, you have squeezed 600 posts out of 2 carboys, imagine how many more posts you could get if you have a few more:) I think you are hooked but are fighting it, go towards the light, that is where the shiny new carboys are:) WVMJ
In my experience, there is always a lot of people transiting out/in the hobby. Making the used market perfect for that!

I collected 11 or so 6 gallon glass carboys and I paid 5$ each on average. I find that the trick is finding someone that has many to sell and working out a deal if you take them all.

Carboys is one of those things that I would not consider buying new. Same with wine bottles.
Just found someone locally, on craigslist who is selling 1, 6 gallon italian carboy.
but will not negotiate!

Seem decent, better than $49


just as I hit enter, the seller gets back to me an indicates
"Has a small crack/chip missing in one side. It's very small. I've filled it with water once to make sure it doesn't leak from there, but everyone I've asked and showed it to said it should be just fine.

Im getting rid of it because I'd rather just do buckets for my beer fermenting. So I'll use this money towards getting a couple of those. "

That just puts doubt in my mind!!!!
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If it is a small chip on the outside, it might be ok. If it is a crack that goes through to the inside, then you have a sterilization problem in addition to the risk of the crack getting bigger.

If you will not be moving the carboy while full, then it might be worth the risk at $10-$15.
If it is a small chip on the outside, it might be ok. If it is a crack that goes through to the inside, then you have a sterilization problem in addition to the risk of the crack getting bigger.

If you will not be moving the carboy while full, then it might be worth the risk at $10-$15.

My thought is that even a chip on the outside can lead to a crack towards the inside.
and I dont want to have to worry about any vessell that has any issues what so ever.

$10 I would roll the dice on. I figure at $10 I could use it a few times, if it breaks no big deal.
The seller will not negotiate. he wants $30 and will not entertain offers!
I always see them on craigslist - just keep watching for glass carboys and they will show up !

I look back now I have approx 20 carboys full and atleast 6-8 empty all different sizes

At what point do you have too many ??????
What wine would you put in there that isnt worth at least 10$ if it cracks and spills all over the floor? Thing about carboy cracks is you cant see them all, they can keep growing slowly and encirlce the whole carboy. One time I had a bunch of filled carboys on a table and there was a small leak. I cleaned it up thinking I had spilled something, the leak came back next day. I looked and looked, nothing obvious. I took the carboy and slowly slid it to the edge of the table and holding my gloved hand underneath of it lowered it into a bucket and racked the wine off. When I picked up the carboy by the neck the whole bottom came off in one piece. If you get it for 10$ fill it up with pennies, not wine, unless the chip is on the very top of the opening it could be a gusher. WVMJ

My thought is that even a chip on the outside can lead to a crack towards the inside.
and I dont want to have to worry about any vessell that has any issues what so ever.

$10 I would roll the dice on. I figure at $10 I could use it a few times, if it breaks no big deal.
The seller will not negotiate. he wants $30 and will not entertain offers!
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Elmer, I would leave that carboy alone. You originally wanted a glass carboy instead of a BB because you were not wanting to crush the BB when using the AIO. if there is a crack or chip in the glass carboy it is not as durable as one that doesn't have a chip or crack in it. And 5 or 6 gallons of wine on the floor is just not worth the risk. Sorry to put the negative out there but, I felt I had to, it's better to be safe than sorry.
I agree with Winenoob66 ^^

There are alway great deals on craigslist - just keep looking and you will find !
For Glass it would be $49 for 6 gallon, $48 for 5 gallon and $36 for 3 gallon which is pricey!However the other LHBS has Better Bottles for $31 for 6gallon, $27 for 5, $25 for 3 gallon. While the difference between 5’s is only $21 that does start to add up. ( incase anyone asks shipping for most wine supply companies is usually around $30 to where I am)

This is just a thought, AND it's sort of off topic, but won't your local store ship to the store for free? That's what I do. I have all my stuff shipped to the store for free and then I pick it up. $30 is a lot to pay for shipping.....
Is there a store within reasonable driving distance that would do that?
Or can you find on on Amazon? If it qualifies and is over $35, they'll ship it to you for free. I try hard NEVER to pay shipping when I order online :)