Orange/Creamsicle Pee

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Wow...have not seen anything ferment so fast. I pitched the slurry on Friday noon and now, early Sunday evening, it is down to 1.002. Just racked into the secondary to finish the ferment.

The leftover slurry is still kicking pretty good - it was so thick that it wouldn't even drain into the secondary. I did bottle it and put it in the fridge. My question is: I know some people do not advocate using the slurry from Pee but I think some people just keep it going on and it better to start a new yeast or should I just use this slurry again?

I had originally used a slurry from a Peach Chard and now as I rack this Pee it smells more peach then the actual Peach Chard wine.

Starting my jam one now

This is from Lon's in the FAQ section

"Using a slurry from an earlier batch of Skeeter Pee can pose problems. As yeast is pushed to its limits, the likelihood that it could develop sulfur-dioxide problems increases"

I suggest you visit his site if you already haven't.

Has anyone had this happen though??


You can do it if your current SP slurry isn't stressed, if you used one of the recommended yeasts, and if you take good care of the new batch. If you have things ready to go, I say go for it; the worst thing that can happen is you'll have smelly pee.
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Well the first batch finally finished fermenting so I added finings, kmeta etc and racked yesterday. I kept a small amount and sweetened it to taste...arrgg it IS lemony. Wasn't sure if I liked it at first since it was soooo lemony (even though lemon is one of my favourite scents/flavours). I got a lot of gunk in the bottom of the carboy this morning but it is still not clear. I will have to let this sit for a while.

I wonder if I put too much lemon in this batch - only did 1 gallon. I did add a container of orange concentrate at the beginning and there is not a trace of orange flavour. I do plan on back sweetening with some more orange and am hoping that I can get some of that orange taste then.

Time will tell
Well the first batch finally finished fermenting so I added finings, kmeta etc and racked yesterday. I kept a small amount and sweetened it to taste...arrgg it IS lemony. Wasn't sure if I liked it at first since it was soooo lemony (even though lemon is one of my favourite scents/flavours). I got a lot of gunk in the bottom of the carboy this morning but it is still not clear. I will have to let this sit for a while.

I wonder if I put too much lemon in this batch - only did 1 gallon. I did add a container of orange concentrate at the beginning and there is not a trace of orange flavour. I do plan on back sweetening with some more orange and am hoping that I can get some of that orange taste then.

Time will tell
Lemon is a powerful thing. It's one of the reasons lemon is used in furniture polish, dish soaps, ammonia, and can remove odours (like fish) from your hands. Skeeter Pee is dominated by lemon; blended flavours often show up in the aftertaste. If you're really looking for an orange-y flavour, you could try substituting orange juice for all the lemon and see how it comes out. I'd think that you would have to add a lot of sugar at the end to bring out the orange flavour though.
I am still experimenting with small batches. I think on this first batch I used too much lemon as I only did 1 gallon. After stabalizing I got alot of fallout so today I decided to backsweeten - used a can of orange concentrate and some sugar. Trying to get back some of the orange taste; it's still quite tart but drinkable. Tons of sediment again. I might try the same recipe again using orange juice instead of the lemon, or a combination of both.

Keep thing about what other flavours I would like to try - bad addition to start!!
Bottled this a couple of days ago. Did some testing on people yesterday and the general comment was that it was waaayyyy to harsh. I'm not sure I back sweetened it enough but I also don't want to end up with a thick syrup! I think I added too much lemon while this was fermenting - I did take the recipe and divide all ingredients by 5 for a 1 gallon batch. Will keep playing with what I have left and try to get some of the harshness out of it. Might try a couple of drops of glycerin and a bit more sweetner.

I did start a strawberry jam one and did not add the second dose of lemon - seems to be much better. It just finished fermenting and I am now racking it to clear.
Darn, was hoping it would be great. It sounded delicious and I was wanting to use your recipe. I still think it would be if we could get it right. How much lemon did you use?
for 1 gallon I used 561 ml (had to convert from oz to mls). Not sure if Lon's original recipe is 5US gallons or imperial gallons and what the conversion rate should be...been using litres for too long to remember what a gallon is:slp

Second time around I am only using 443 ml or less, adding more orange and maybe trying a vanilla bean or a couple of drops of vanilla to get more of the "creamsicle" taste.

Right now it is just too lemony!!
Not sure since i'm not very good with metrics but I think that would be roughly 19 oz. of lemon and 11.5 oz. of OJ at the start. I'm thinking since OJ has citric acid, maybe that much lemon plus the OJ was a little too much acid for a gallon......
I think so too....I think more orange concentrate in the beginning and maybe about half of the first amount of lemon. If, at the end, it needs a bit of a kick a person can always add a touch of the lemon without diluting the wine too much.
A bit of an update. At first this was way to harsh but I obviously bottled too soon. I got some sludge at the bottom now and it is crystal clear. A lot of the harshness has subsided and it has a good taste now. I will do this again and experiment some more. I think it would be good to start off with 3 cans or orange concentrate and 2 bottles of lemon. Instead of adding the last bottle I am going to add 1/2 the bottle and leave the rest until the end. At sweetening time I can decide if it still needs some more acidity and add the rest of the lemon to taste. I think I might also add some vanilla beans to try and get it closer to that creamsicle taste.

This definetely needs some time to age - have to wait now to get some carboys emptied!
A bit of an update. At first this was way to harsh but I obviously bottled too soon. I got some sludge at the bottom now and it is crystal clear. A lot of the harshness has subsided and it has a good taste now. I will do this again and experiment some more. I think it would be good to start off with 3 cans or orange concentrate and 2 bottles of lemon. Instead of adding the last bottle I am going to add 1/2 the bottle and leave the rest until the end. At sweetening time I can decide if it still needs some more acidity and add the rest of the lemon to taste. I think I might also add some vanilla beans to try and get it closer to that creamsicle taste.

This definetely needs some time to age - have to wait now to get some carboys emptied!

Angie, The answer is to BUY MORE CARBOYS. We all know what happens when we rush to bottle so that we can get a carboy empty for the next batch.... tsk...tsk...tsk... Carboys are a good investment; as long as you don't break them, they'll hold their value even to the point of your grand-children wanting them some day.
hahahaha....I have enough carboys - they are just full and I don't drink enough wine to make me bottle more often. None of my friends are wine drinkers - mainly beer and hard stuff. Guess it's time to get new friends, lol!!

Just too eager to try this stuff. Still have the next 2 batches in carboys and they will sit there for a while yet. Lesson learned!
hahahaha....I have enough carboys - they are just full. Lesson learned!

Definition of "enough carboys". Having a few empties sitting around deciding what to put in them while the rest are still aging. Not knowing exactly how many you have but it's enough you really don't feel like counting either. :a1 anymore definitions?