Oak Bottling Querry

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Senior Member
Jan 2, 2010
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For the first couple of years when I bottled my big reds we noticed that some had more of an oak taste than others. I deduced this to the fact that the oak sits on the bottom of my carboys for 10 months so that most of that flavor would reside in the wine in and around that area.

Last year as I bottled I moved my siphon tube up and down in the carboy slowly to get more of an even mix. That was a pain by the way.

My 2 questions are has anyone else experienced this and would giving the wine a slight stir prior to bottling sufice and offer a more blended wine? :ib

I could rack it again but I think that may be more agitation than be needed.

10 months with what, chips?????? I bulk age a little on the oak then rack off and when its time to bottle there wont be anythng on the bottom at all, not even a very fine dusting.
I use 8 ounces for my Merlot and Cab. Sauv. We like that hearty oak flavor and it's not over powering. I thought if I gave it a slight stir prior to bottling that may help and I have no lee's to stir up. Chips are heavy enough to stay still.
I like a lot of oak also, I hit bthem a little heavire up front and rack off them a little earlier.
I just got some liquid oak essence to try and it is pretty good on finished wines (I just tested it on a 1 gallon tester). I also use flavorings / extracts to enhance bouquet on occasion. Anyone else try this?