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Looks good !!!

Did you taste it ? Give us a report if you did.


I did taste it....several times actually ;)
It was very dry and a little bitter, but not bad at all. I sweetened it with about a cup and a half of sugar and stopped there. SG is at about 1.002 and should be about 10.5 % ABV. Seemed about right.

So my next question is should I clear it or just let it sit and clear on it's own then bottle?
I bulk age all my wines at least 6 months ( or longer ) and as clear as it appears to be already , I think I would give it some time and then if it doesn't clear I would hit it with Super Kleer. But that's just my choice of clarifiers.

Did you stabilize it before sweetening? I know we ask this all the time, but now and again folks sweeten without k-meta and k-sorbate and then get a renewed fermentation and dry fizzy wine again.
I did add kmeta and sorbate about 3 weeks before I sweetened it. Do you think I sweetened it enough? Is there a standard SG I should be looking to get around for sweetness? It was kinda hard to judge to be honest, plus I figured my sugar to water ratio backwards so I was doing 1/2 cup of sugar to 1 cup of water.
you always want to sweeten to your taste as everyones taste is different and you are making it for you " right "

Now what kind Welch's are they? refresh our minds..
A few new pictures! I racked this weekend and added clearifier. I also had a glass and it is starting to be quite good.
