Need to lower pH in red wine.

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The endpoint of the phenolthalein colorant used in the titration kits is at a pH of 8.2. Instead of using the color indicator, just titrate your sample until the pH reaches 8.2.

I understand now, thank you!
tartaric only. 1g/L to gain 0.1 pH drop.

There is not a linear dependence of pH and amount of tartaric. And it is complicated by different buffers present in wine. Thus, one cannot predict a pH drop based on acid addition. You can only relate amount to TA.
Correct. My apologies. But for home wine making its a fair estimate....
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How does being at home make the pH dependance any more linear?

Adding 1 g/L will drop the TA by 0.1%. It says nothing about the pH and there is nothing you can infer about pH.
I didn't say it did. I said it's a fair estimate. In my experience it almost always drops ph by that amount. Large ph drops may require slightly more depending on buffering capacity. But as a guide for home wine making in general it works.