need help with new vines

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Senior Member
Oct 20, 2010
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I planted three concord vines in the yard this spring for use blending with blueberries. They were potted vines from Lowes (I know, I should have known better, but it was a crime of opportunity.)
Anyway, they started growing well, almost overnight and now they seem to have stalled out. I noticed they have some dark spots on the leaves and the leaves seem to be slightly yellowed. I'm not exactly sure what it is but I have several questions.
What might this be on my leaves, Phomopsis, Downy Mildew, or something altogether different?
Would it cause the plants to stunt their growth the first year?
Lastly what would be the best thing to treat them with since they are newly planted (about a month in the ground)?
Thanks for your help.



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Nothing too bad there Duster. They probably need a bit of fertilizer from the looks of it. I have seen many,many vines from Lowes or HD that end up like that. Might be a touch of disease coming on, but it should not stunt them by itself no worse than it is. Also water enough but don't drown them. It may also be something in the mulch - some woods will discourage the grapes as well as the weeds. I would clear around the vines a bit of the mulch.
thanks grapeman, do you recommend 10-10-10 or should I go with a miracle-gro rose food for the acid?
Without a soil test or at least pH, it is a crap shoot what to use. I would just go with a basic miracle-gro food for now, just don't go too heavy.
Understand and thank you, I didn't have a soil test done for these few plants in the backyard.
One word of caution, don't fertilize too late in the season. One early general purpose fertilizer in the spring is all they need. On the other hand it is hard to have too much lime. I agree with Grapeman about the mulch, it will retain insects, too much moisture and disease.
I can’t understand why so many people suggest only one spring feeding. Grape vines and muscadine vines are heavy feeders and 10-10-10 is depleted in 30 days. I feed all of mine monthly from bud break until July 1 and feed them again for the last time Sept. 1.
I have to quit feeding my muscadine vines by the middle of July or I have them flowering and putting on grapes in October and November.