My frozen grapes have arrived! Now what?

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Senior Member
Dec 12, 2010
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Just kidding...sorta.

So I need to leave them sit a bit to completely thaw out and then I should sulfite them to kill whatever is growing right? Add yeast nutrient when I sulfite? And pitch yeast 12 hrs after the sulfite? Sorry to sound like a moron but I am at work and can't take the time to review the steps. This is my first attempt at wine without the safety net provided by kits...

The label on the bucket indicates Brix at 24, pH at 3.1, and TA at 6.8g/L, no sulfite.

TIA, paulc

btw, these are sangiovese grapes from Cali. got them through m&m in CT
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Yes do as you say. Take a gravity reading 1st when room temp before yeast.
I suggest RC212 yeast and Oak it
Tom should I oak during primary, or secondary? I was going to try and let this sit in a carboy, off lees, for perhaps 3-6 months before I bottle it. I thought I might oak it then and taste from time to time. I have a good bit of heavy toast american oak and about 4oz of med toast french oak available.

thanks, paulc
It will take about 3 days to thaw the bucket. Even then, the must will be less than 55 deg. So, I would sulfite it now; just put it in on top. When it is thawed, put in some pectic enzyme. You can add yeast 12 hours after that, but if your must is 45, they won't do much (could be bad for them to go from 104 rehydrate water to 45 must). You can wait till the must is warmer to pitch.
Id oak it while bulk aging myself with Staves, cubes, or spirals. Yes, thaw them out but get sulfdite in before thawed out too much as it may just start fermenting when temps get warm enough. I would make a yeast starter myself.
Awesome feedback guys, thanks. Another question, this is a 5 gal pail and I only have a 5 gal primary...Anyone recommend I split the load between two fermenters?

The bucket is about a slurry consistency right now with a couple large iceburgs so I will sulfite before bed.

I have never seen this product so I cant say how full it is, what size biucket it is. I just know that it produces about 3.25 gallons of wine or around there.
Awesome feedback guys, thanks. Another question, this is a 5 gal pail and I only have a 5 gal primary...Anyone recommend I split the load between two fermenters?

The bucket is about a slurry consistency right now with a couple large iceburgs so I will sulfite before bed.


1st I add oak after the wine is stabilized (meta)
I have not done a 5 gal pail just 6 gallon pails. That being said I add yeast to the bucket and LAY the lid on top w/no airlock
Awesome feedback guys, thanks. Another question, this is a 5 gal pail and I only have a 5 gal primary...Anyone recommend I split the load between two fermenters?

The bucket is about a slurry consistency right now with a couple large iceburgs so I will sulfite before bed.


Since its frozen grapes,you need room for your cap to rise,you need a bigger primary!
Pitching yeast today!

Hey All, the must is finally warm enough to pitch some yeast. I had specifically ordered Montrachet for this wine but now that Tom has suggested the 212 I am second guessing myself. I have 212 so I can do either one. I measured the SG of the must and it is at 1.110.

Can anyone talk about the pros and cons of either yeast?

I hope to start the yeast about lunch time and pitch it mid afternoon...yeast nutrient, energizer, and pectic enzyme have all been added I believe on Thursday, I would have to check my notes.

TIA, Paulc
Thanks for the charts Tom, that is what I used when deciding on the Montrachet. But I also just read a post in the meads area that talks about Montrachet being associated with stinky ferments so now I am thinking more like the 212 would be best.

Anyone have any thoughts on the fruit brought out by either yeast?

TIA, Paul