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Wade E

Jul 3, 2006
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wadewade said:
Northern Winos said:
Nice the fruit pics...where did you get those???

Thanks wadewade...after I did that Post I went to that Site, being as you had recommend it and found the photo of the cherries...Going to have to spend some time on that Site and add some images to my Fruit Folder.
Thanks again.
nice labels wade! I have almost as much fun making labels as I do making wine.

Edit: I just went to the site as well. It's a gold mine of ideas!!
Edited by: sangwitch
Hey Joan, are you out there! Can you help me with the left side of that
label. I erased an auto graph and dont even see all that Pink
background until I posted it here. My programs wont let me blend in

THAT WAS FUN....I had done it last year on a sign and forgot how I did toyed with it till I got it.

I used the PAINT Program that came on the computer....went to HELP...and went down to CHANGING COLORS .....and followed the instructions...took a couple tries but got it this far....

I am sure there are better programs...this is all I have except for Coral Word Perfect and Print Master...have to make do with what I have.

You sure made a pretty label with that image.Edited by: Northern Winos
wadewade said:
Thank You very much NW. Was it hard to do? was fun...I love learning how to use these programs that I seldom use.

I am sure there are better programs than PAINT to do editing like that....

How does everyone else do it???? What are the best programs??? Got to be an easy one for me to use....
wadewade said:
What program did you use to fix it? came on my computer, it's under ACCESSORIES in the PROGRAMS.

I rarely use it, but lately have been doing just what you wanted....
So then what you did was just create a custom color that matched and paint brushed it in?
wadewade said:
So then what you did was just create a custom color that matched and paint brushed it in?

Yes...right click on the photo you want to edit
When the PAINT programs opens with your picture on it...there are some icons on the left side...
Choose the icon with the EYE DROPPER looking thing...says PICK COLOR.....then click on your photo in a place with a color that you want to use to over write a signature or other stuff you want to hide.
That color will be displayed in a little box at the bottom of the PAINT program...there are many colors showing, but the color you clicked on will be in the first box on the left...away from the lines of other colors...
Click on the pencil icon, the paint brush icon or the spray can icon....then click on the little box with your chosen color and wipe away the stuff you want to cover up....and blend away...
You can choose another color to cover other areas...just when you CHOOSE A COLOR be sure to click on a color near the place you want to paint over.
Then you have to save your picture...go to EDIT at the top of the program window click..SELECT ALL..then click EDIT again and click COPY TO and choose the program or place where you want to save it...OR...use the COPY and then open your label or folder and PASTE it to your desired place, folder or where you are making your label.
I am sure there are other programs or easier ways to do this...this is what I used....I am not very good with computers and make do with what I have.
Hope this made sense and is helpful...Good luck.

Edited by: Northern Winos
I have this program and have used it just didnt know what to do with
that eye dropper looking thing. Boy, how many times I could have used
that little bit of info. Most of my labels I created using that orogram
ans always struggled trying to create a custom color to match. Uggggg!
Thanks NW
Wade. I love your labels.
I especially love those Classic Fruit picutes.....They convey so much more!!!!

Did this varation with Adobe wade...Hope you didnt mind me toying with it
Edited by: Waldo

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