Marquette Frontenac blend port

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May 21, 2014
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I've got some Marquette that turned out very hot this year at a 26 brix that fermented to dryness, and some Frontenac as well (much lower initial brix on this). I'm thinking the high pH (~3.75) mixed with high TA (~9.5) and high alc/vol is going to require a sweet wine to balance correctly. I'm leaning toward a port-like blended wine.

Has anyone tried making Marquette or even Frontenac into a port blend? Thoughts? I'll provide some more info later when I have time.
That TA for Marquette is actually quite low, I would leave it alone and do the Frontenac as a Port if you want ( will require everclear, etc). Oak the Marquette lightly and it should be good in a year (or less if you can't wait).