Lots of work tommorow

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Wade E

Jul 3, 2006
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I have been slacking off and like to break it all up but have been
slacking. now I have alot of racking to do tommorow. I have 9 batches
that have to be racked tommorow. Im dreading it but it must get done as
I have alot of other things that have to be done around the house after
tommorow and I know after I 'm done doing those things I will not have
the time or energy to play with the wines. I'll be taking the oak out
of the Welches Niagara tommorow too as it has a nice oaky smell to it
Those Damnsemi-circular stairs with metal balusters keep getting in the way of your true passion. Need money to buy toys, will work for wine kits.
yeesh! that's a lot of work. I racked three batches in the same afternoon a few weeks back and I thought that was tough. I'd come help if I was closer... and that's not just because I want to taste the Welches Niagara!
Usually wooden balusters too. There are afew with metal balusters
though. This is the most I've ever had to do at once and I hope I never
let it get this bad again but I'm sure it will happen again someday.
This is what happens when you have so many batches going at one time.
Some of them are third rackings, some fourth and last and some second.
I'll definetly sample the Niagara because this is the 1st time oaking
and it is white oak from my job that I toasted myself in the oven.
Should have lots of pictures tommorow night if I'm still able to operate the camara after sampling all.

Edited by: wadewade
You can do it, Wade! I did all of mine (25+ gallons) in one sitting. I was tired when I got done but felt extremely satisfied! Once you get your equipment cleaned and sanitized, it will go fast. I think the hardest part is the clean-up! When you're done be sure to sit and admire your work.
We aew sooo suportive

I have 3 gallons of sangeovese to bottle tomorrow. Too much work. I will of course make a test bottle withour a cork to make the job easier
I'm jealous! Wish I had so much hard work in front of me to sample, taste, and admire! Of course I would gladly stop in and help!!???
Edited by: jsmahoney
I would help except I am trying to get used to this French keyboqrd qt the hotel qfter a wonderful day of wandering thr streets of Paris! I would stop to chqt but I "have to" go out and have so,e wine and cheese = full report when i get bqck home qnd find the vowels qnd consonents in the right plqce on the keyboqrd!!!

Oh = the bottles of zee wine are so,etimes as much as €5 or €6 for a really GOOD bottle!!!

Mais oui!!!
OilnH2O said:
I would help except I am trying to get used to this French keyboqrd qt the hotel qfter a wonderful day of wandering thr streets of Paris! I would stop to chqt but I "have to" go out and have so,e wine and cheese = full report when i get bqck home qnd find the vowels qnd consonents in the right plqce on the keyboqrd!!!
Oh = the bottles of zee wine are so,etimes as much as €5 or €6 for a really GOOD bottle!!!
Mais oui!!!

What kind of work do you do to travel to such nice places and drnk fine wines?????
We racked 3 batches [2-6 gal and 1-5 gal] on Sunday and put one 5 gallon batch from the primary into the carboy...then we dégorged 9 bottles of bubbly...slept real gooooood!!!!
I hear you, Wade. I have three 6-gallon carboys plus about 4 additional gallons of various batches to bottle, plus 10 gallons of apple to rack, and three kits to start. And working around the house just has not left enough time (or energy) for the wine right now.
I bottled 29 bottles (the darn wine glass got the other bottle), and racked 4 kits tocarboys.
That took longer than I thought. Good workout in the sink cleaning and sanitizing.

Great tosee the results!


The first is the Oaked Niagara and the second is the Orange Strawberry Banana. I accidentally deleted the the Concord Melomel.

From left front to back, Mid front to back, and right front to back.
Oaked Niagara, Black Currant, Orange Strawberry Banana, Cranberry,
Concord Me.lomel, Cherry not racked, to early for that one
Those are some nice looking wines...I like the looks of the Cranberry and the Black Currant makes my mouth drool...
Yummmy....going to be trying those two sometime this coming year....Edited by: Northern Winos
wadewade said:
where do you get those other little faces.

I find them on The Net, right click, save them to a folder....

Got Updated to Internet Explorer #7, trying to play with it's features....
wade, looking good there.

Joan 25 gal.... wow..... you are a very busy girl......

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