K Meta???

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Wild Duk

Senior Member
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
So as a new wine maker, and only relying on my kit directions and what I read on here, what exactly is this stuff and when do I need to add extra...

And while on the subject, are ther any other chemicals
I need to add if I'm going to say age a wine in the carboy longer than the directions say.

I'm only doing 2 reds right now...

K-meta is an anti-bacterial and apreservative. It inhibits the growth of wild yeast and bacteria both before and after fermentation. It's also an anti-oxident which helps preserve the taste and color of your wine during aging. The use of sulphur in winemaking dates back hundreds of years and has many benefits. I recommend reading Lum Eiseman's Home Winemaking Manual which can be found under the Resources section of the FVW website.
K-Meta is kind of a slang for potassium metabisulfite as Na-Meta is slang for sodium metabisulfite....Both are used as stated by K&GB and both can be found in a powdered form or in a pill form as Campden tablets....Hope this helps..
If you are going to bulk age your wine then what you have in there now will be good for about 2-3 months then another 1/4 tsp per 6 gallon batch should be added. If you are going to bottle now and will drink them before a year total in the bottle then you dont need anymore, If you plan on having some bottles longer then 1 year in the bottle then add another 1/4 tsp and bottle.
Thanks. What if I add it to the wine for longer aging, bottle, then have a bottle in 1 month. will I be able to taste it...

I'm wondering what the benefit of not putting it in there does....
Not enough and your wine could go bad. Or if you put too much in it, it could give you a headache when you drink it. ( like cheap wine )
Even if you were to add another 1/4 tsp per 6 gallon batch on top of what was supplied it would still be below what a commercial winery would use.
So when and how should I add this..

As I'm racking to the bottling bucket....One day prior....or when

As far as how, take out a few ounces of your wine and mix in the k-meta and then add the wine back. As far as when, that depends on what you are doing with this batch. If you are going to bulk age it then add more after 2-3 months of aging, if you are going to bottle soon then you can add it now or right before you bottle. If you plan on drinking this all up before a years time then you really dont need to add any extra at all.