Joe's Ancient Orange and SpiceMead

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dragon, my mead will be fermenting for 2 months on the 23rd of Jan. The airlock is still active. I am assuming this is normal??
Ramona, you know, of ALL the labels I have seen on this Forum, I have always been drawn to this label. I think it is beautiful.
My mead is still fermenting away after 2 months. I am hoping this is normal. haha On the 23rd of Jan it will be 2 months.
Doesn't look clear at all. I guess I will wait another month. George is sending me some SuperKleer as I have never used it before.
gaudet, did your mead ferment steady for 2 months? My airlock is still bubbling away!! It will be 2 months on the 23rd of Jan.
Good thing about a 1 gal batch, it I screw it up I haven't lost much. And I can start over.
Smurfe, will this 1 gal batch need to be degassed? And when does that happen? Right now it is still actively fermenting and still cloudy. Fruit floating on top.
uavwmn said:
gaudet, did your mead ferment steady for 2 months? My airlock is still bubbling away!! It will be 2 months on the 23rd of Jan.
Good thing about a 1 gal batch, it I screw it up I haven't lost much. And I can start over.

It slowed down to a crawl after 30 days, but it was still bubbling. You can see the tiny co2 bubbles burping away and the very occasional airlock burp as well. I racked mine last week off the fruit and lees and I am waiting for it to clear(completely). I degassed it with a stopper and shaking the bottle ( I know the directions said not to, but I'm bull headed) I tasted a few drops of this and it really will get your attention. I like how sweet it finished. I also started a gallon of ancient kumquat mead on Jan 1. Its boiling away still and a semi active airlock.
Forgot to mention that I helped my friend make the JAO Mead at the same time I started my first batch. His was crystal clear when we racked it. We took it off the lees and fruit. Degassed it, 1 campden tab and topped it up to the neck with bottled water ( just about 4 ounces ) and put it back into the closet to be forgotten for a while under airlock.
When I take mine off the lees and the fruit, (nowhere close to that yet) I am going to have a lotmore than 4 oz to top off. Right now, the liguid + fruit is at the shoulder of my 1 gallon jug. Am I missing something?
Can't really say if it's "normal" or not but I would assume if it's still bubbling, the yeast is doing it's thing. My 2 JAO's are both aroundthe 1 month point and are bubbling away. Depending on the sugar content in the fruit and honey (which can both vary) it could take longer or shorter than exactly2 months.
admiral said:
When I take mine off the lees and the fruit, (nowhere close to that yet) I am going to have a lotmore than 4 oz to top off. Right now, the liguid + fruit is at the shoulder of my 1 gallon jug. Am I missing something?

His mead had cleared brilliantly, when we transferred back to another gallon jug we got some sediment in there so we took a little of that and when we topped off I think it was a half cup but not much more. A cup is 8 oz's right??
Here is a picture of mine just after creation. Other than adding water to raise the level, it has been, and is, in the dark.

Admiral, looks really good!!! I wrapped a towel around mine to keep it in the dark. It is starting to clear a little now. It is 2 months old today.
Waldo, thanks. Looking forward to it!

uavwmn, Good idea with the towel! Especially since the recipe calls for keeping the wine warmer for development. Thanks for the idea.

Mine is not a month old yet. Just a newbie!
Has anyone recorded the starting and ending SG for this concoction? I whipped up a 3-gal batch last night, and the SG was super high. Wonder where it'll finish....
So tease us and not post the SG why dontcha???

I'll take a sg on my finished one and let you know what it is.
K&GB, since this is my first mead and no one said to check the SG.
As the recipe states it will finish sweet...but I think thats better than the ultra high octane you would get from wine yeast on numbers like that.