WineXpert Island Mist Pina Coloda

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Senior Member
Apr 21, 2021
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Wondering if anyone's made this & how ya like it?

I made the Twisted Mist version. Other than jacking up the sugar, I followed kit directions. At bottling time, it tasted like a nice sweet white wine, but not very much coconut so far. Hopefully that will come through as it ages a bit.
I made the Twisted Mist Pina Colada too. I used 1/2 the f-pack in primary with 3 lbs of sugar to boost the ABV. The flavor was very mild. Not what I expected but it vanished when I took it to a family event. They all thought it was a pleasant unoaked Chardonnay with a hint of pineapple at the back. For what it's worth, I was told I'm to bring it to future family gatherings. 😆
I made the Twisted Mist version. Other than jacking up the sugar, I followed kit directions. At bottling time, it tasted like a nice sweet white wine, but not very much coconut so far. Hopefully that will come through as it ages a bit.
How'd this end up 4 ya?

Just starting mine now....for summer enjoyment. Added 4# sugar to jack ABV up close to 12%

How'd this end up 4 ya?

Just starting mine now....for summer enjoyment. Added 4# sugar to jack ABV up close to 12%

Interestingly enough, I just had some on Sunday at my folks' house! Mom showed me where she's been stashing the wine I give her so I picked this one out.

It was pretty good! The coconut flavor might be sneaking through a bit more now. Definitely better chilled. I would make it again except they don't have it available this year. Oh, well! I still have a few bottles of my own left, I think. (Haven't done inventory for a while!)
Interestingly enough, I just had some on Sunday at my folks' house! Mom showed me where she's been stashing the wine I give her so I picked this one out.

It was pretty good! The coconut flavor might be sneaking through a bit more now. Definitely better chilled. I would make it again except they don't have it available this year. Oh, well! I still have a few bottles of my own left, I think. (Haven't done inventory for a while!)
I've got both Brewers Best Pineapple and Coconut -- so will do some taste tests before bottling to see if any additions required.

I've got both Brewers Best Pineapple and Coconut -- so will do some taste tests before bottling to see if any additions required.

Before that kit came out, I was intending to make a pineapple wine and back sweeten with piña colada frozen mix. I may still have to try that someday!