How to hold the auto siphon to the bucket

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Dec 9, 2009
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Western New York
My better half is about 8000 miles away and today when I racked my batch of concord grape/raspberry wine to the secondary bottles I needed another pair of hands (and missed my wife dearly) to hold the auto siphon to the side of the primary bucket so I didn't stir up the lees. I didn't succeed very well. I seem to recall a thread or a post about a solution that holds the siphon in place on the side of the bucket. Anyone??
What I do is keep the siphon tube suspended about midway in the liquid until it is going good. I then slowly lower it to the bottom of fermentor at an angle (resting against one edge at the top and the opposite edge at the bottom) that rests naturally with the siphon hose leading to the receiving vessel. This way, the motions of getting it started won't stir up the sediment.
I know that they sell clamps that wil hold the tube in place. They are very cheap (only a couple of bucks)

See the "Auto Siphon Bucket Clamp" thread under "equipment and sanitation".
Thanks all. I just ran out from work and bought the clamp. This should make life (wine) easier.

John - I bought it at the Let's Do Wine supply store that is in that thread. It's 5 min from where I work. Nice store. First time I've been in it. :db

Probably the last of the chicken finger pizza I've dined on the last 3 nights. (thank God that's the last of it). I don't care to cook. I've found the Marie Callender’s frozen dinners aren't all that bad but the local restaurants are going to be seeing more of me. My wife plans to be gone for a month and when we spoke a couple days ago I told her she was welcome to come home early but she declined. Rats. :D
You can purchase a clip made especially for the auto siphon that holds the siphon in a stationary position. I think they are around $3-$4 each.
Thanks, that's what I just bought today. A nice simple solution that will make this a lot easier. I may even have to lay my wife off from holding the siphon now. I know she won't complain. :sm
