How long ahould i wait inbetween racks?

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What type of wine? Kit or juice? Usually you rack off the primary fermentation bucket. Then in about 3 or 4 weeks. Then again in a couple months... But if it is a kit you should follow the kit instructions until you get the feel a little better.
as Sdelli said with a kit you sould deffinently follow directions. With fruit I usually rack of skins/pulp after 2-4 weeks, when ever sg=1.00 or less, then I rack every month till it is completely clear this usually takes 3-6 months.
Each time you rack, you add a little oxygen to the wine. Oxygen is what sets off oxidation, so you generally want to limit it.

I wouldn't rack more often the once every 6 to 8 weeks or so.

I only make grape wines. I bulk age my wines and I generally add a clearing agent to start clearing. Once I add the clearing agent, I generally won't rack more than 3 times over the next year, depending on how often I get a new sediment build up and that varies. One of those rackings is at bottling time; I always rack before bottling just to make sure... nothing worse than getting down to the bottom of the source carboy and finding there really was sediment that you didn't see.