Holy Peaches!!!

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Winemaker of 30+ years
Jul 7, 2008
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What does a man who has never made peach wine do when a local farmer freind comes by and says 'here! 300 pounds of peaches for ya...'

some will be eaten...some for pies...some to be freezed.....but i want to try to make some wine.....is peach wine any good? and secondly would someone point me on the fast track on making some wine
Peach wine is awesome. Asl Joeswines to give you his recipe or Waldo or Tepe. Ive had Joeswines and can tell you its out of this world delish!!!!!! I wanted to make some this year but its just not in my budget as is entering any wines in the Ct. competition. Ive never made it as of yet and will not miss out next year unless Im homeless which is possible as we are running out of jobs at work. There is no building going on at all. All of our salesman sneak in and hide when they come back to the office with no jobs!
thanks for the leads Wade....sorry to hear about the job situation Wade.....its tough out there
300 lbs?!! Holy Moly you will be cleaning peaches in your sleep.

Peach pie, peach jam, peach wine, fried peach, peach on a stick, peach gumbo, peaches and cottage cheese, peach cobbler. Just think Bubba Gump
yep i will.....just sent a few messages to some people to see what to do

the wife will be doing the cobbler and pies...daughter is gonna freeze some...some will be given to mom and brother....a friend is coming up this mornin to help me destone and get into a primary.....and i will set some wine aside for that VERY NICE FARMER
I think that was your farmer friend's ulterior motive.... Hmmm how can I get Al to make me some wine???? Give em 300 pounds of peaches.... That ought to do the trick.........
..per Wade's advice i have already received two...because of timing of when i received and when i was able to have a friend help me earlier, i seem to be somewhere in between both peoples recommendation.....we used about 5 bushels of peaches and i currently have a primary fermenter sitting with about 125 liters of peach mush :)

we had a higher sg than both men recommended...we are at 1.15 ( the peaches and 100 lbs of sugar made into a simple syrup.....i plan on adding some water to bring down ( unless i just love the taste too much hahaha)

i hope that if i can make a decent wine w this that i can give the farmer 1/3, my friend 1/3 and keep 1/3 for myself

the advice has been great all around....and i will thank them as well later..as usual, this forum is wonderful
Maybe keep some as is and try a Peach Port using some Malt extract to bring the SG up a little more!
might have to do that Wade...just did an sg on the must 1.17....obviously i need to add some water....the yeast is moving along

and i owe an up front public thank you to Tepe, JoesWine and Waldo for sending instructions to me....i am going to have to find a way to come thru the back door to try to make something that resembles what they can produce!

I can smell all those peaches fermenting here in NJ!
extra so here and they taste so sweet..todays reading is 110.5 down from 1.135 yesterday...not real warm right now...i am a bit suprised by that but i have no experience w this type of wine.....
Holy decimal point batman..... You are going to have one hot wine there.................
yes and maybe tooooo hot...gonna get it down to 1.07 and then likely add some h2o
I would add now.

It will taste all alcohol with little body / flavor
that is what i was thinking as well....the whole content is around 130 liters....and i was holdingback the h2o because i didnt want any more peach wine because of aging capacity w my grapes coming on and wine from last year already in tanks......i am busting at the seams
F-PAC for close to 200# of peaches? THAT'S a lot of F-packs! I'd say peach pie, peach cobbler, canned peaches, peach jam, peach mead, peach cider...