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Jan 20, 2011
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I currently brew beer at home and was asked to brew a batch of wine. I was wondering if all the additives are necessary to make wine. Could i use just a fruit concentrate or juice without preservatives, water to obtain correct gravity, and an appropriate yeast type?
The simplest wine ive found is under the recipe section. Its the very first one Apfelwein. Only need 1 carboy. Don't need to add any preservatives or additives. (as long as you don't back sweeten) You can use either bottled juice or concentrate.

Welcome also check out the skeeter pee recipe too.
Wine making additives

I currently brew beer at home and was asked to brew a batch of wine. I was wondering if all the additives are necessary to make wine. Could i use just a fruit concentrate or juice without preservatives, water to obtain correct gravity, and an appropriate yeast type?

Hey, the important ones in my opinion are the potassium sorbate and potassium metabisulphite. These are crucial when it comes to stabilizing and clearing your wine. You mix them together with a half cup of water then drop it into your fermenter and mix vigorously. This will help degass the wine and end the fermentation process.

The Potassium Metabisulphite will stop your wine from turning into vinegar during the fermentation process.

The potassium sorbate ends the fermentation process when you have reached the gravity you are looking for.

You would want to use a pectic enzyme in order to help with breaking down the fruits cellular structure and help with clearing as well. You would add this before the yeast.

You may need some yeast nutrients as well to make sure that the yeast will be happy and grow up strong to ferment your wine.

Hope this helps!
I currently brew beer at home and was asked to brew a batch of wine. I was wondering if all the additives are necessary to make wine. Could i use just a fruit concentrate or juice without preservatives, water to obtain correct gravity, and an appropriate yeast type?
What kind of wine was requested?

The easiest way to make a batch of wine is a kit. No leftover additives.

The hardest part is patience. You should wait MONTHS (or even years) before drinkingsome wines.

"The potassium sorbate ends the fermentation process when you have reached the gravity you are looking for."

It does not end fermentation. it prevents renewed fermentation when you back sweeten.

Potassium metabisulfite, or Sodium metabisulfite (K-Meta) is a common wine or must additive, in which it forms sulfur dioxide gas (SO2). This both prevents most wild microorganisms from growing, and it acts as a potent antioxidant, protecting both the color and delicate flavors of wine. it does not stop fermentation either.

there are only 2 ways that fermentation stops. 1 the alcohol content is so high the yeast can not survive. or it has fermented to dry (less than 1.00sg)
It can get stalled but that is another subject
One thing I should have mentioned. As a beer maker, you may have 5 US gallon carboys. The better kits call for 6 US gallon carboys. Some people make 6 USG kits as 5 USG. That's not something that I would recommend. It's also a bit of a nuisance, but possible, to make the kit in a 5 USG carboy + a 1 USG jug. For a first wine batch, you may wish to keep it as simple as possible.
