I screwed up and added packets at the wrong time. I purchased a vintners reserve wine kit (White Zin). I started on Friday February 22. I thought I had followed the directions completely. On Monday February 25 the primary fer. and airlock was not bubbling. I contact the company I purchased the kit from and asked what to do. They advised to take off lid and take reading and see if any bubbles. I did and nothing was happening. At their advise I added another yeast. 2 days later on Wednesday it was bubbling like crazy. Thought I was in the clear until rereading the directions and realized that I had added packet 2 when I put the kit together. (the metabisulphite). I believe I killed the yeast to start with. 4 days later it is still bubbling. Have I ruined the wine and what do I do about packet 2 I have used up already.