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Attached a whistle huh, now thats funny Waldo. I guess you knew when to rack while siiting in your chair in another room.

Edited by: wadewade
And here I thought I was being overprotective by putting an alarmed thermometer next to my wine!
OGrav said:
I think the S shaped ones are probably better for smaller batches, as there is less liquid to move to get a bubble out, and conversely so for the three piece. I haven't had a five gallon rolling fermentationunder lock with the one piece yet, but can imagine that it would be just a constant stream of CO2. My first locks were cork bungs, paraffin wax, couple feet of tubing and a water glass.

Would that be considered Old School Methods??
Sure is! You really know when they are bubbling. I'm sure airlocks as we know them now have been around for thirty years, just that fifteen years ago I didn't have any. Lot less hastle now, though this will work fine in a pinch. One advantage, if you are fementing a few carboys close together, as I was, you only have to fill one glass insteadof keeping an eye on three locks.
I've always used the S shaped ones but a beer kit I got as a gift had the 3 piece and I've used that a few times. Since the carboys are normally tucked away in a corner of the kitchen, I like being able to see the bubbles and hear it so I know what's happening.

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