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Senior Member
Nov 7, 2005
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I want to wish everyone a Happy and safe Holiday!!! Being the middle of the week many people will only get the one day to enjoy their family and celebrate this great Country's Birthday.

I would love to just lay low....

Would love to just pick some berries and mow the lawn...but my Honey wants a mini road trip...up before dawn and hit the dusty trail...look at crops and play.

Have a Good Day!!!!
Sorry you are not feeling well wade !!! Hope you get better quickly and a HAPPY 4TH to Everyone !!!!
I'm hoping my Honey is feeling better for the 4th- No not you Wade(although I do hope you feel better). The 1st was our 29th Anniversary and Cindy was sick all day long with severe stomach pains. We stayed home and she stayed in bed. Nothing going on that evening. She was vomiting all night long and stayed in bed all the next day, except to go to the doctor. Seems she has a bad gall bladder (has had symptoms for years). She was feeling quite a bit better today, and I'm hoping she feels good tomorrow the 4th since it is her Birthday. It would be nice if she could have a good day!

Happy Birthday America - and Cindy, my little firecracker.
Yeow!!! Gall Bladder pain is awefull...I finally had mine removed...the pain was like I wanted to die...absolutlely no fatty food from diagnoses till I had it out. Hope she feels better soon. Happy Anniversary to you both, Happy Birthday Cindy and The USA...
Happy USA Day to all our friends in the south!
Here is to hoping that you July 4th is as good as our July 1st was. Have a great day. What wine goes with a countries birthday anyway.

Happy 4th to everyone......and Grant; any wine you like, just enjoy..
Gall stones are painfull mr apple . I hope she feels better---

you to wade
Happy Birthday America and all those who are so blessed to share in her glory.

This day should be a time to reflect on all those who fought very hard many years ago and continue to fight today for our freedom and independence.

Remember only two people have died for everyone one of us who live in the best country in the world....one died for the redemption of your sins and the other died for your freedom!
HAPPY JULY 4TH , I hopeall ourSouthern Neighborshave a great day!!

I hope your feeling beteer Wade, Ill have a drink today just for you bud!!!
Happy Independence Day! How lucky I am to live in a country that allows me to stay home and watch my husband start a batch of beer instead of being required to go show my support of my government at a public rally. How fortunate I feel knowing that those who were here before me fought so hard to ensure my freedoms. I thank my paternal grandmother for fighting for my right to vote; my uncle for serving during WWII; and all my ancestors who helped to create the country in which I live today. I am thankful for my son-in-law who is in Kuwait, supporting our troops in far more dangerous places.

I raise my glass to all who have helped to make the world a safer, saner place.
Another record for Rhode Island:

Bristol, RI) -- The weather is cooperating nicely for the tens of thousands of people lining the streets of Bristol today for 222nd annual Fourth of July Parade, the longest-running Independence Day celebration in the country. People traditionally stake out spots along the parade route hours before the procession steps off at 10:30 a.m. The ten divisions include marching bands from various states as well as local bands. Among the out-of-state marchers this year are bands from Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Canada. In addition to the bands, there is always a wide array of floats, clowns, performance groups, and politicians. The 81st annual Ancient and Horribles Parade steps off in Chepachet at 4 p.m. today. And several communities are planning fireworks displays for tonight, as Rhode Island marks Independence Day 2007.
Happy 4th and Canada Day toEveryone!!!

Hope those who are under the weather will feel great soon. Speaking of weather...nothing but rain here.

Had a wonderful evening last night celebrating my Lain's 28th birthday at Carrabba's. She was almost a firecracker baby but couldn't wait any longer!!

HAVE A SAFE AND FUN DAY.............
Happy 4th of JUlY!! Sorry I have been camping with the family miss you all!!!

Happy Birthday USA!

Appleman, SWMBO and I are right behind you. 29 years in September.
Hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable 4th. Gall bladder is nothing to mess with and hope she is feeling better also. Happy Birthday!

God bless us all!