Fruit Wine

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Sep 12, 2010
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I have not ventured out to make a fruit wine from scratch. I typically have done kits in the past. I have a peach wine I am ready to try. My question is for the peaches can I use canned peaches from the grocery isle or should I buy peaches from the brew store?
Canned work, but don't use the generic, they tend to be under rip when canned and have little flavor
Just my 2 cents... but use fresh... Canned just won't be the same you'll have a sky high SG and no flavor... IMO
Buy a real fresh peach and a can of peaches.
Now taste both, you will immediately know wich makes the better wine.

I have 4 gallons of peach clearing made from home canned peaches right now. I used 24 quarts of 15 year old peaches and added no water and the sugar in the syrup was all the sugar I needed for sg of 1.085. Came out with great body and flavor. That being said, I find peaches in the store are pretty flavorless in comparison. You would do better with frozen peaches and I would use 8-10 pounds per gallon. My first peach was fresh ripe peaches and came out very thin at 6 lbs per gallon.
I made my peach wine at about 12lbs per gallon, and hit it with another 25% of total fruit F-Pack... It's 18 months old and tastes how a peach wine should. I also added some golden raisins for body.
Thanks everyone. I am going to try the canned peaches. We will see!!!!
I made my peach wine at about 12lbs per gallon, and hit it with another 25% of total fruit F-Pack... It's 18 months old and tastes how a peach wine should. I also added some golden raisins for body.

We should get together and swap a bottle of our first peach wines. I only got 5 left out of 30 bottles :(
Red haven peaches from Yakima...
Have you guys got any of the Pence's peaches from Yakima. I eat most and like most fresh fruit, It is hard for me, to get it to the fermenter
Flavor Pack. It is a juice concentrate that is added back to wine at end for flavor kick
Have you guys got any of the Pence's peaches from Yakima. I eat most and like most fresh fruit, It is hard for me, to get it to the fermenter

Is that a type of peach or an orchard?
We went over to get peaches for canning. We came back with 120 lbs. Believe me by the time you get through that many peaches its easy to put some in the fermenter. :h