fresh grapes had to be pressed sooner than preferred

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Senior Member
Nov 15, 2008
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Dallas, TX
My fresh CA grapes purchased through Fine Vine Wines arrived a week and half ago (October 12), so I crushed and de-stemmed there at the shop when I picked them up (Sunday, Oct. 13). 3 lugs of Petite Verdot, 2 lugs of Barbera, 1 lug of Petit Syrah, and 1 lug of Zinfnadel.

Pitched RC-212 yeast on all of them on Mon. Oct. 14 - using one type of yeast keeps it simpler and I like the flavor profile of RC-212. The grapes all looked and tasted great, and the chemistry was good (enough) for all of them. Fermentation proceeded nicely, with all of them warming a little from the active ferment - only the Zin (fermenting alone) slowed down significantly as the weekend neared.

Due to scheduling and unpleasant weather around Dallas for the last week and continuing this week, my two options to press the grapes were either this past Saturday (Oct. 19) or next Saturday (Oct. 26). Considering that by next Saturday it would be almost two weeks since the yeast was pitched, I decided to press this past Saturday, a little earlier than I would have liked. The color extraction seems pretty good, and there's still a lot of pulp mixed in, but I am wondering what more I should do, if anything, since I had to press a little earlier than I would have liked (would have preferred to have had ~11-12 days of the juice macerating on the skins instead of 7).

I used some FermAid on the Barbera/Petite Syrah blend, because they were the lightest in color - juiciest fruit however - 3 lugs yielded 8 gallons of must after pressing! All three batches got some nutrient as well, though I am not sure they needed it.

ATM, all the juice is in 5 carboys, but not sealed or airlocked as I want them to de-gas and have some oxygen access for a couple more days. I plan on filling the airlocks tonight or tomorrow and start letting them age. Any opinions or suggestions regarding what I should/plan on doing?
What is the SG of each?

I had 8 Brutes this Crush with 3 lugs in each. All were pitched the same day but I used about 6 different yeast. Had 4 batches finish in 7 days, 2 more finished 2 days later and the last 2 didn't finish until almost 2 weeks. You can't rush them and that's why it is very nice to have your own equipment so you can crush on the grapes timeline and not on someone else's.

They will be fine, do the usual, give em a litle stir every few days to help finish out. Keep your nose to the carboy looking for H2S buildup. Worst is you didn't get as good an extraction had they been left on the skins for a few more days. Color might have not been as deep as it could have been.
IMHO, 6 or 7 days of maceration should give you plenty of color and body. Do you know how many brix were left (SG) when you pressed it?
If you have a large amount of ;pulp I would rack after three days or you will have a haven for H2S development in the gross lees. do not leave exposed to air put fit will airlock. wine will degas through airlock. its main purpose exit CO2 and do not let in air. Insure KMeta is added.

Next time monitor fermentation to insure complete. All though grapes were pressed in your mind early, chances are the fermentation was complete. extended maceration does not guarantee increase color. Higher temp and proper enzyme additions give you added color. Also you should always use yeast nutrient, especially with RC212