Fixing a goof-up

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Senior Member
Mar 31, 2005
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From time to time, we all goof-up. I have one that is minor, but I still would like to know if there are any suggestions on fixing it.

I bottled my Pinot Grisio per instructions after 2 weeks of settling in the carboy. The wine was nice and clear and I made 27 beautiful bottles of crystal clear wine. Then came bottle #28. I guess I must have jostled the settlement too much, but this bottle became slightly cloudy. Bottle #29 was even more cloudy. Bottle #30 is downright gross lookin'. My question is, is there any way to save these? I figure I could let Bottle #28 and 29 settle again and pour the wine off of them, but what about #30?
Like Joe told me, turn the lights down when you drink those bottles,
what I do to prevent that is rack from the carboy to my fermenter with
a spicot on it to attach my filler to , but you could just use your
racking cane out of the primary to do the same thing, that way you
don't have to worry about stirring up the sediment. I made a whole 30
bottle batch of that settled out in the bottles,
like Joe said turn the lights down and it tastes the same!!!

Unless you perform an extra racking, that will happen with the last several bottles. I always do a least 1 extra racking after I stabilize.

Turning the lights down is an excellent idea! The sediment will not affect the taste.

Another trick is to set the bottle upright for a day before you drink it. Then decant the wine by pouring it very slowly into the decanter. When you get to the bottom, stop and pour it out. The wine in the decanter will be clear.
Because we don't always know in advance that we will want to drink a particular wine that has sediment, I've come up with our way of dealing with it. We use a paper coffee filter in a cone filter over a pitcher. Then we can pour it into the beautiful crystal decanter. By the time I am ready to drink wine my patience is gone and there is very little waiting!

Now this idea I like.
It's cheep and caters to the impatient. Thanks Wine Princess!!

Ever thought about writing a book that contains all of your secrets? Something tells me that your remote location creates the need for alternatives. "Necessity is the mother of invention".
I am guessing that you're talking about my wine making secrets, not all my secrets.
If it's all my secrets it would be an expose' and I'd have to use a different name!
I was talking about your wine making secrets, but the other book might me a whole lot more entertaining!