Fish Farm Vineyard

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On my may through the yard to the "vineyard" I get to walk by this:


Look what I've been finding! Grapes in the making!


And the Chardonel look great!

Nice Lilacs Joan. Mine are blooming also, but the bushes aren't as big yet. What vine has the clusters- probably most of them(except the last ones you planted). I expect things will really get going serious very soon with June almost here. Now if it would warm back up to April's 80 degree weather(although the high yesterday was 86 here). We could really use a good rain here- only have about 3/4 inch of rain so far in May.
hi joan

good morning

where did you get your grape vines? From a local source or mail order? I have been looking a Ty-Ty nurseries in Ga but that is a long way from Ca.. Some local stores ie Lowes and HD and some nurseries have a few but only Thompson and Flame. Ok for momma but not wine grapes. The other places have minimums and they are too many for me. I did find another place that I can prepare for a few vines. I think that I can have 12 on the driveway fence and about 16 close by. Now, just to figure what kind or kinds that will grow here and what I want. Oh - so many questions - - - so little time before it gets real hot. Had a surprise rain yesterday and last night so best get diggin'

hope you had a nice holiday.

by the way what is your vine spacing?

It's afternoon here but still morning where you are so I guess I'll say, Good day!

I bought my original vines from a local place... Miller Nurseries. Appleman gets his grapes from Double A. I am sure you can google something closer to you.

I like the idea of more vines! If you can find room, plant them! Mine are 8 feet apart in rows 6 feet apart. I would guess that the ones along the fence could be a bit closer together since there will be only one row of them. I have given you way more information that I have so please check that with Appleman since I have no idea what I'm talking about! My vines are growing in spite of me!
Excellent, Rrawhide!! Not bad for a Monday! It definitely pays to have friends!

I think you need to start your very own vineyard thread! You deserve it now that you've been bit by the grapevine bug!
Appleman, did you get the frost this morning???? I did. It's not everywhere but there is on the grass between the vines I planted last year. Am I in trouble?
We got some spotted frost Joan- pretty cool. I don't think that the little frost there was will harm anything- at least I hope not. Obviously it isn't good for them, but most plants will take the little bit of frost without great harm.
I checked the weather station hi-low for here this morning. The low was 39.4 on one sensor and 39.6 on the other. There were just a few spots of frost that formed, but the overall temps were OK. Hope you had a similar situation there. Frost will sometimes form above freezing under the right atmospheric conditions.
We had 34.6*F yesterday morning....Jim's field corn is up and it wasn't only has one leaf and corn can come back up to the 5th leaf stage if damaged....but there was no sign of damage...Thank Goodness.. In the fall corn can freeze at 36*F if it is calm and the dew point is near the temperature.

There was frost only on the eves of the garage that we could see....So, we squeaked by. Everything else seems okay...

One of these days will set out the tomato, pepper and melon plants....Got to be able to trust the weather soon...or summer will be over.
Some of my grapevines did better than others. The Chardonel came thru the frost fine. The diamond cuttings had a tough time as did the Corot Noir. They are pretty tender apparently.
Hopefully they will bounce back. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Our "last danger of frost" has always been May 15th. Not this year!
The Corot Noir are as hardy or more so than the Chardonel- they probably were just more tender being a little sooner to bud. They will grow back fine if any leaves were killed. It's not like they were blooming yet so you don't have a crop to lose. Here's hoping it is a bit warmer tonight! I wish it would warm up and stay there for a few months and then we could also use some rain, and I would like to find a nice friendly investor that has a few hundred thousand he needs to tie up for a few years.... and...... and ......
Our last average frost date is May 20th...but with this weather pattern...who can guess.

We have had less than 3/4" of rain in May...very dry here also....had moisture in April, but it was snow and most of that past us up.

Very strange weather here as well....Wishing you a good crop.
How are the vines looking today Joan? I haven't seen any frost damage yet and hope I don't. If yours got burned, I wish them a speedy recovery.
I missed this post! Sorry, Appleman!

The vines with roots have seemed to make a good recovery. I am worried about my cuttings tho. They seem to be just sitting still with no new growth at all. Is that normal because they're busy growing roots?
Joan, Yes and No. It is normal for the vines to initially sprout some leaves and then take a while. They opened the buds before they really had enough roots to cause vigorous growth. They are using up their reserves of carbohydrates and it takes a while to make enough to get good vigorous growth. Sometimes they will just seem to sit their for a while and all of a sudden take off in a flurry. That is why I have started putting the cuttings in a nursery the first year. That way I can baby them along their first year and the next year they have really nice roots to set out. The St. Pepin and Corot Noir I sent you were late started last year so were small. Remember the difference in root sizes between them and the Chardonel? Amazin what an extra year will grow.