Fig Wine

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unaFORDable said:
jobe05 said:
The taste is somewhat what I expected.......... like a cheap $6 bottle of no named white wine..............

All that work & well that's sure not what I wanted to hear

Has anyone thought of makeing this into a sweet concentrate to add to another wine at the end?? Like when making those wines that come with F-packs??? Like making up your own... say a Fig-White Merlot ???
Is it possible to do something like that??
Any ideas on how to make it??
Thanks, TinaLouise

Don't let that deter you TinaLouise..... It just might not be Jobe's glass o'wine. He doesn't like mead either, but that does not mean that you wouldn't like either fig wine or mead.....

I started this batch on the 14th

9.6 #’s figs (quartered and halved) covered with water and cooked down with 5#’s sugar

Water to 3 gallons in primary,

1½ tsp acid blend

1½ tsp tannin powder

3 tsp yeast nutrient

1½ tsp yeast energizer

¼ tsp k-meta

1½ Pectic enzyme (added 10/16/09)

SG was 1.090

Cotes De Blanc yeast packet added 10/16/09

I placed the pulp in a strainer bag and tied it off. Since I used the amount of k-meta for 5-6 gallons I let it go longer than 24 hours before pitching yeast and stirred the heck out of it. I have never used cotes de blanc before and this is one pungent fermentation. I hope that its ok since I held off pitching yeast for 36 hours. Anyone else use the cotes de blanc yeast with similar olfactory pungency? I know the fermentation is rolling cause I punch down the cap and stir it twice a day and the must is a boil of co2.