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Senior Member
Nov 7, 2005
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Well....the neighbors asked if I was going to make dandelion wine and Jim asked if he should put the battery charger on the lawn that was my clue to mow the yard...I finished took some photos.

Front yard from the house...

Yard to the house...





Natural Pond...would like to develop it someday...


Old fruit trees..Est. 1999


New fruit trees...

BabyfruittressSmall.jpg is a farm...with farm stuff..


Don't be too impressed...I start most plants from seeds, cuttings, or on sale, closeouts....etc. It has been fun not work.Edited by: Northern Winos
Thats alot a land there NW. Your front yard swallows my whole yard. Very nice.
I just read something in one of the wine magazines about how much wine one could get off of an acre. It was something like up to 3500 bottles/year. I would imagine that would be lower if you switched from grapes to fruit that grows on trees. But still!

Nice place ya got there.
3500 bottles of wine....hummmm....that would become work.

If it rains and washes the dust off the dandelions [I'm sure they'll bloom again]...maybe I'll make some wine....would have enough for many gallons if I was into it....dang weeds.
You must be bothered a lot by the heavily populated neigborhood
Each new picture just show a larger place to keep up than the one before. You must have a whole crew of groundskeepers there. I'm tired out thinking about doing all that yardwork on top of farming! does look good once it's mowed and the beds are tended...
Appleman, I get tired looking at all the work you have with all those apples, fruits and now hundreds of grapes...Do your kids help too?? It's just us here and I mostly do the yard....winters are look forward to spring.
Well I amsure it helps to have the right equipment..It has to be a time saver with all those John Deers out there...What do you farm Northern???
Just a small time farm here, compared to most around...was suppose to be a hobby. He does 100 acres of corn and 200+ of soybeans....We need rain or we need to rent the farmland out and go fishing.
OK...... I have stopped crying long enough to comment now.....

NW, you have the property of my dreams, and I mean that sincerely. Room to roam, grow what you want, live off the land so-to-speak and peaceful areas to rest, Knapp, read a book or just sit and watch mother nature.

I wish I could have raised my family in a rural setting much like your to help them understand (a little better) that you have to fend for yourself sometimes, not everything is right there at your finger tips (like the Mall). When you live off the land and thats your survival, you have a little different understanding and appreciation for the land for which you live.

Definitely harder work to do what you, but a much better way of life if you ask me. Yes I'm envious, but extremely happy for you, it's no wonder you are such a strong person.

OK....... Back to my crying.......
Edited by: jobe05
Comeon jobe..quit that slobbering man. Yer gonna get snot all over NW's patio

Awesome place NW..I can feel the peacefulness even in the pictures.