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Senior Member
Nov 15, 2012
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First off, has anyone tried to make one. I was looking and I think I can buy all the glassware and put one together for around $150. Secondly I can save about $35 of the build cost if someone that owns one would shoot me a PM and give me a little info.

I know it is not something that is needed for wine making. I am just OCD enough and love to figure these thing out, the building part that is.

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Really, out of glass? Aren't they usually made out of brass? If you could make one for $150 that would be awesome since they cost close to $800. I am looking at a distillation apratus for the purpose. They cost about $230 complete with a heating mantle.
Really, out of glass? Aren't they usually made out of brass? If you could make one for $150 that would be awesome since they cost close to $800. I am looking at a distillation apratus for the purpose. They cost about $230 complete with a heating mantle.

Absolutely out of glass. I have read up on the process and it is really a simple procedure. In a nutshell it is just the difference in boiling points of 2 liquids; water and your wine sample, at a given barometric pressure. I really dont think one would have to buy a fancy stainless steel device. The more I think about it I am gonna pull the trigger and order all the stuff.

I just ran the numbers in my head and figured around $150. Okay I was off a little. $112.08 from one site and $86.48 from Amazon. But the Amazon order had a few things in it for something else. Lets keep our fingers crossed and see if this thing will work.

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Interesting you should bring up the ebuillometer. I asked a regional wine supply house about one. They had never heard of it!!! Our local winery does use one.
As a tinkerer myself, I understand the challenge. But if you are looking to find ABV, go to www.fermcalc.com and near the end, select the Honneyman method. Supposedly just as accurate and WAY cheaper.:D
Interesting you should bring up the ebuillometer. I asked a regional wine supply house about one. They had never heard of it!!! Our local winery does use one.
As a tinkerer myself, I understand the challenge. But if you are looking to find ABV, go to www.fermcalc.com and near the end, select the Honneyman method. Supposedly just as accurate and WAY cheaper.:D

A wine supply house that never heard of a ebuillometer? I wonder how experienced they are in the wine making business. I agree very few places sell them due to the cost. You can purchase one through Presque Isle Wine Cellars.
I don't think the Rat is looking for a quick calculator for the abv. As a tinkerer, he's out for the challenge and I'm curious as h#ll on how it turns out.
I'm seriously looking at a distillation apparatus for doing the same thing plus checking for VA.
Thank you.

There are numerous way so figure ABV using math and hydrometers. I have read about most of them and was already aware of the site you directed me to.

With topping up, back sweetening, blending etc it becomes more difficult to get a true reading. I feel the accuracy of the ABV for the home wine maker is really not needed. I really don't care if my wine is 12.3% or 11.6% ABV. I really only care that the ABV is somewhere above 8% and a little less the rocket fuel. My main concern is taste.

I am doing this for no other reason then I like the challenge of figuring things like this out. Plus it is one more gadget to display when I am showing my wine lab to friends, lol.

The owner of my LHBS, who also runs a commercial winery, told me he is required by law to get accurate ABV of the wines her sells. He does not own an ebuillometer. He sends sample out for analysis. He was very interested when I mention I was going to try my hand at building one. Maybe I can repay him for the kindness he has shown me in plethora of questions I have for him when I go to his shop.

Update on glassware. UPS Tracking Number say first package will be here on Monday. Woop Whoop! Pictures to follow.

Region Rat, you have way more motivation than I do. Congratulations!!!!While I like a challenge, I also subscribe to the KISS method!
My challenges come in the form of making wine out of available bases. One of my first was an onion wine. Several folks liked it for cooking.
As for the Honneyman method, the good thing about that is you can determine ABV just before or as you are bottling. And I find that one of the first questions people ask me about my wine is "how much alcohol"?
Don't know why.
Keep us informed on the project.
Region Rat, you have way more motivation than I do. Congratulations!!!!While I like a challenge, I also subscribe to the KISS method!
My challenges come in the form of making wine out of available bases. One of my first was an onion wine. Several folks liked it for cooking.
As for the Honneyman method, the good thing about that is you can determine ABV just before or as you are bottling. And I find that one of the first questions people ask me about my wine is "how much alcohol"?
Don't know why.
Keep us informed on the project.

On one hand I am a firm believer in the K.I.S.S. method. On the other hand I love to tinker with stuff. I have heard the term, " Gadget-Man" more then once.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KA5II5AlO7w"]Where does he get all those toys?[/ame]

Like you I am looking forward to the challenge of making wine from different things. Currently I have a dozen different wines aging. And at least that many more ready to start. Only 2 of them from kits. I will post about those as they near completion.

What are your plans for replicating the thermometer and calculation disc?

Those 2 items account for 1/2 the cost of this build. I found a place that sells all the replacement parts for the big dollar Stainless Steel model. Thermometer $70,OUCH and the disk $35.

I down loaded a picture of the disc but it was too pixelated when I tried to blow it up and make my own.

I looked high and low for a narrow range thermometer that would work but failed.

Any suggestions?

Could you pass on the site with the replacement parts. A fire damaged our disk, though the thermometer and still survived. The cool box it came in is overly charcoaled.

I think if you are a good tinkerer you could build the still fairly easy. If you know mig a stainless rig would be safer when you knock it over with your elbow. Good luck!
I think if you are a good tinkerer you could build the still fairly easy. If you know mig a stainless rig would be safer when you knock it over with your elbow. Good luck!

I was going to make the make the condenser out of copper tubing but the cost shot way up when you started adding the cost of the specialty fitting needed. The condenser I chose was $14. I am more worried about breaking that $70 thermometer.

Check your inbox.

Thanks for the note. Yeah it's amazing how expensive it is and ours is mercury, which I have banned all CFL bulbs from the winery to avoid a superfund site. Basic chemware will build a still fairly inexpensive, compared to the $850 price tag.

However you might think about an inexpensive candy therm or even a good meat therm. Get a rubber cork drill a hole to seal. You do not really need the fancy drain fittings, just pour the wine out. The cooling tower or top part just fill and empty. You could make that out of 1 inch Cu pipe.
These parts can be purchased at Presque Isle Wine Cellars.

Ebulliometer Thermometer, for Electric Ebulliometer


Ebulliometer Thermometer for the Electric Ebulliometer
[Product Details...]


Ebulliometer Disc for Calculating Results


Ebulliometer disc for calculating results.
[Product Details...]


I found that site last night but if would not let me add things to the shopping cart. I even regesterd as a user.
I found the things I needed at Davison Winery Supplies
(I dont know if i can post the direct link as I was criticized by a Moderator for doing that) PM me if you want the direct link. The prices are similar.

The thermometer from you source says 'Ebulliometer Thermometer, for Electric Ebulliometer' I wonder if the 'electric' part makes a difference.

I wish I could find the thermometer that has the sliding scale on it. I have never seen it in use but I guess you set you get you boiling point of water, zero it, and boil you sample then read ABV right on the thermometer



I got all the glassware today. Now just waiting on one more package with thermometer and disc.



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