Does anyone know...

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Senior Member
Aug 15, 2006
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...what size hole to make for the airlock in the lid of a primary? I don't want to take the grommet out of mine because I'm afraid I won't be able to get it back in!

I take mine out frequently Joan and it's really not that much of a challenge getting it back in.
I hav accedently knocked mine out and just put it back in. I assume its for clearing from a batch that the yeasties liked alot.
Come to think of it I almost pushed the grommet thru the hole into the must! It skert me!
When I first started I bought 2 primaries with the grommets, both
leaked and for 3 days I thought I had a problem and that my kits were
not fermenting(no action at airlock). I finally open them up and
discovered that I did have a problem, the grommets! I redrilled the
lids for # 8 rubber bungs and whaalaa. lots of bubbling.
Wade, great idea.... Joan, I know this is going to cause some discussion, but I just cover my primary with a clean dish towl. Yeast need to breath at first.. I got the idea from Jack Keller's web page...
Kutya, a lot of people do that but I can not because I have a cat that
goes in my basement and likes to sleep on everything. If I do that I
will be having a cat fermenting. Anybody ever try feline wine?

On my 1 to 2 gallon batches, I use a clean dish towel and a cord to secure it with. Works like a champ!
Glad to hear others are doing this. Wade, nothing like a little cat hair in the
I've read about folks covering the primary with a towel or cheesecloth but I've never done it. Must be I made just enough kit wines to do it that way.
I have a 6.8 gallon with a lid, a 5 gallon with a lid, a 4 gallon with a lid and a 2 gallon without. I only use the lid on my 6 gallon batches.
Why wouldn't you do them all either with or all without a lid? Is there a benefit I'm missing out on?
To me, it's easier with a cloth, and my wife's dish cloths are not big enough to go over the 6.8 gallon, so I use it's lid.
Thats an excellent reason!

I suppose one could buy a square of fabric to fit the 6.8. In fact it might not be a bad idea to have dedicated cloth "lids" of correct sizes for all the primaries. OR one could make round "lids" and put elastic on the edges and make caps.

Hmmm... that gives me something to think about. Thanks!
If you use a lid, open it up often to give the yeast lots of
oxygen. I use the lid also and have never had a problem but I know that
everyone who has lots of experience says to let it breath with a cloth.

I've read where people with sewing talent have made cloth lids with elastic built in. My wife can sew anything, but I've never asked her to do this. Might be something to consider!
Thats a pretty darn good idea. I've never heard of that but it would be cool.

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