Crab apples

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Jul 8, 2012
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My husband and I picked our first ever crabapples this year off a neighbors tree! I have heard good things about crabapple wine and would love to try it. I have 20 pounds of apples whole and in the freezer. Hoping to get some more in a couple of weeks, from another neighbor. I am going to be owing some people some wine :)! Been enjoying the gathering season this fall. So I am in need of a tried and true recipe for crab apple wine, any help will be very appreciated.
Marie, I crushed 100 pounds last year and wish I could get more this year but the frost got them first. Crab Apples are extremely high in acid. I used the juice for blending with my apple wine to bring the acid up in that. I also blended some with Chardonnay that was very good.
I got about a 100lb pounds free for the taking!

Let me know how it turns out. If it makes a good/decent wine I may have to toss them in the crusher,
If it makes a good/decent wine I may have to toss them in the crusher,

From what i understand, crabapples are the ones you want when you want to make a drier more-delicate apple wine... i think its something in the acidity that makes it pop - i imagine kinda like a nice dry riesling
This is all very encouraging! I went and saw a crabapple tree today. It's owner said I could pick what was left when she was done so I'll add that to the twenty pounds in the freezer! Hopefully have enough for a five gallon batch. Any good recipes out there, might not have an opportunity to make it again and would hate to mess it up.

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