correct bottled wine

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Senior Member
Sep 18, 2010
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I made a rookie mistake forgetting the three rules, patience, patience, and patience. I had a six gallon carboy of Napa Cabernet that was more than ready, "time wise", to be bottled. I have had no time to do anything with wine lately and was eager to get some things done. I bottled the six gallons, afterward I tasted the wine and was very disappointed. I tasted a flat wine that was in need of acid. I never tasted this wine after cold stabilizing, it dropped the acid too low, leaving me with a TA of .40. So my question is this, do I pour these bottles back into a carboy to make the correction or add 1/5tsp of acid to each bottle and then recork?
You should carefully siphon back into a carboy, add your acid, let it rest as some acid may drop out. Then rebottle.