Cloudy wine?

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Dec 18, 2010
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I have open two bottles aged 1 yr, one made with cranberry and the other muscadine. when i open the bottles the wine is crystal clear, after a few hours the wine starts to get cloudy, can u tell me what i'm doing wrong?

I have never heard of a bottle getting cloudy only after opening the bottle. Are you sure there are not sediments in your bottle that are getting mixed up as you handle the bottle?
That's what I would think as well. If the wine was not cleared enough before bottling, there would be residual fine lees left over in the bottles. This happened to me on my first batch.
Sediment was my first thought as well. The only other possibility that is coming to mind would be heat instability, which would basically look like sediment if I recall correctly.
The only other possibility that is coming to mind would be heat instability, which would basically look like sediment if I recall correctly.

yup,my guess as well from what i read in my trek through the same basic thing, it needed a shot of bentonite in secondary to fix this.

was the wine stored in a cooler location then warmed up to say 70+ that will do it, and yes it is crystal clear when bottled then the magic happens with higher temps.
Thanks for the imput! the wine was stored in a stairwall closet at around 65 degrees then warmed up during the summer probaly in the high 70's,(south Louisiana) , that"s probaly the main cause,because the first glass was crystal clear , then on the second day it was cloudy.
sounds about right, mine was kept around 70 or less, then i moved it to a room where the temp will take huge swings and wow what was clear is no more and it changed the flavor some as well.

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